Young Living Lavender Lotion
When I found out that the rash covering large portions of my body were not Lupus but rather Psoriasis I was relieved, BUT my skin was still as itchy as hell, and it seemed that nothing I tried worked. I am deep in central Appalachia so it is not like I could go to a high-end store and get magic soap to stop the itching. I must have gone through all the lotions that Wal-Mart had, and I STILL itched. This itch was even worse than the chicken pox. Finally, a friend sent me the Lavender Lotion from Young Living and told me to try it. I am not sure what all is in it, but it stopped the itching. This stuff is magic! If you have itchy skin and nothing works you should try Young Living Lavender lotion. Don’t balk at the price, for one, A little goes a long way and two it WORKS. I now have it in my monthly Young Living order.
I did and loved BBG, but with my joint pain, and weight gain from Hashi, I had to find something else that I could do. I am not sure if my knee pain is like a percent thing or only during flare-ups. I do have pain free days, so I am hoping that it will occur less and less. Meanwhile I have to exercise to keep my depression and anxiety at bay I tried other programs but I was just felt blah, then I was looking at weight watchers and saw that they were giving Weight Watchers members some free months to the Daily Burn, so I signed up and I finally found a program I like just as much as BBG. The program True Beginner is easy on the knees, and it matches my out of shape ass. I did not work out for nearly a year, so I am way out of shape. But True Beginner shows you all the modifications so ANYONE can do this program.
Halo Top Ice cream
When my weight started creeping up to the 300-pound mark again, i knew I needed to stop with the million calories junk food, but I craved ice cream so bad. Then I discovered this at the store, and I checked the points, and it was ONLY 6 POINTS FOR THE WHOLE CARTON. I almost fell over when I saw that. I got me some and went to check online, and yep it is high protein low something and delicious, so you don’t feel as if you are depriving yourself.
My Fitbit Alta HR
This was my one year of quitting smoking present o myself. Even in college when I excessed in the gym for two hours every day, I still smoked a pack a day. I counted up the years, and I smoked a pack a day for 22 years. Yep, nothing like running on a treadmill then light up a cig. My exercising and all it what probably staved off the depression and the crazies for as long as it did. It was only when I stopped exercising and eating healthy that the problems started. Last year I was started to have problems breathing, and I wanted to improve my run time. I went to the DR and got a script for Chantix and finally quit. Then I started noting considerable gains in the gym and got back into fitness, and after a year of no smoking, I was like why not treat myself. So I did with the Alta HR
Online therapy
This is not your traditional purchase but rather a subscription. I had heard about online therapy from another blogger, and I decided to give it a try. I loved it so much better than sitting on a couch for an hour with a therapist drilling into me about why I am anxious. With online therapy, I have managed to get to the bottom of a lot of my issues. And THAT has allowed me to progress with my other goals.