A few years ago I read The Desire Map (My Review), and it completely changed the way I approached my todo list and life in general. I can honestly say since switching to this method that I have been happier as well as being more productive in what matters to me. I used to think to be successful you had to achieve more than anyone else, but that is not the case. I feel like I have become better at Desire Mapping. The first one was ehh then as I learned more and more until finally late Dember 2018 it finally hit me on how I was supposed to use it. Granted that was while I was listing to the audiobook Cultivate (review here) but switch out God and put in whatever you worship and the books have the same underlying themes. My New Age ass tends not to do well within organized religion. I am more of Danelle LaPort than Laura Cassidy, and you know what? That is OK you SHOULD go with whatever speaks to your soul.
After I had my big aha moment, I took longer than the usual two weeks to map out how I want to feel in the coming year. I hemmed and hawed and erased and journaled and prayed to all beings then FINALLY about a week ago I settled on four ways I want to feel:
Considering my health last year I defiantly want to be super healthy for a long time now. I have been actively using clean ingredients and food. Well as clean as possible, kind of hard to find Grass Feed meat here in southeastern Kentucky BUT I have pretty much transitioned back to paleo and I am shocked at how good I finally feel. I have a suspicion that it was the dairy and gluten that was messing me up but can’t prove it. As long as my psoriasis arthritis don’t about kill me every day and I don’t need a damn cane to walk, I will stay on a paleo diet. I am also keeping allll my Drs appoints where before I would skip them but part of eating healthy and staying there especially with an autoimmune disorder is keeping your Drs appts so you can catch stuff without having to be partially crippled before you admit defeat then have a harder time recovering.
At first, I was like this sounds…privileged, BUT having expense being REALLY poor right after I was diagnosed with bipolar I have come to a new appreciation about money. It really does feel good to not have to worry and count every penny. I am not exactly aiming for the 1 percent, but I also don’t want to be in the bottom one percent. These days I feel like I am winning at life cause I am not blowing my money on frivolous shit AND I HAVE some dollars in the bank. Maybe not much but when you have been on food stamps anything above that feel like a luxury.
I read the Happiness Project years ago, and one of the authors “commandments was to “Be Gretchen” That statement hit me so hard because I can’t tell you how long I tried to fit in a box people placed me in. And guess what when I tried to be what someone else wanted me to be it always ALWAYS backfired. So now I am going to do me Hillary Nicole Roberts and to hell with whoever doesn’t like it. At least I will feel better and happier when I am myself and not some puppet on a string. So for 2019, I am going with my gut and what feels right for me.
The first time I heard about the law of attraction way back when I thought it was hilarious. Then for shits and giggles, I decided to try it out, and it worked! Then I got freaked out, and it stopped working. The part that used to trip me up is that you attract what you most think about. So if you spend all day thinking your life is one big suck fest well it probably will be. If you approach manifesting with the feeling of ABUNDANCE then most likely tour cup will be overflowing with all the good things in life.
I firmly believe that what may feel like abundance to one person will feel like something is lacking to another. In Get Rich Lucky Bitch ( my review here) it tells you that you have to go by steps and to clear out money blocks and that sort of stuff before you can truly have what you desire. Abundance is also a mindset that you have to cultivate.