Goals for 2014

Blogging Goals

  • Be consistent with blogging

    This is one that I need to work on the most. I need to get into a groove and stay there. I looked over my blogging stats for the last year and they were absolutely dismal. I want to post 7 days a week. I have ideas I just need to get into a routine and write the posts.


  • Make more of an effort to comment on blog posts that I like

    I cant expect people to comment on my posts when I don’t comment on theirs right? I have become really lazy in this and I want to change that.



Health Goals

  • Be more extroverted

    I know there is nothing wrong with being introverted but when people start to describe you as a shut in, you known you have taken it too far. This year I want to achieve a healthy balance of solitude and socialization.

  • exercise at least three times a week

    need to get rid of my fat ass and to avoid becoming crippled when I am older

  • Be paleo

    at first it was about the eating habits. Then I started reading Mark Sission and Whole9 about how this is a whole way of life. After reading about this I have to agree. I love the principles behind the Paleo/Primal movement. I want to abide by these principals as much as possible.

  • Track food on myfittnesspal even if I eat something that is off plan

    Let’s face it, even if you don’t track it on my fitness pal your body does. So it is best to just write it down and move on.

  • Do my goals everyday on Lift

    I have all of these goals on Lift to help me remember to achieve them and so I can track them and see how good I am doing.

  • Use SuperBetter to do stuff to achieve happiness

    This is a website that I used before to take control of my anxiety. Now I use it to try and achieve optimal happiness. I put down “power ups” and stuff and I find that it really helps. Plus I am a gamer also so these kind of websites are right up my alley!

  • Learn to cook paleo recipes

    I cant eat out everyday and expect to achieve optimal health so at the age of 33 it is time to buckle down and learn to use the room with all the neat toys in it.

  • Find out what makes me happy and DO them!

    I have spent the better part of my life trying to please other people. I am better about this but I still have a ways to go to find out what makes ME the happiest.

  • Be a better friend

    I am bad about staying in touch. I have always had the attitude of I will get in touch later. This year several people that I meant to get in touch with have died and then it is too late. So this year I am going to make an effort to get back in touch with new and old friends.

  • Be positive

    I have a tendency to be negative and I think that makes people not want to be friends with me. So this year I am going to practice being positive. Plus like attracts like so if I am positive then I will attract positive things right?



Writing Goals

  • Get over my fear of rejection and send at least 5 queries out a week

    I don’t know what I am so afraid of. Every writer goes through rejection. It never used to bother me when I was younger so I need to get over this RIGHT NOW and go for it!

  • Do Morning Pages

    I find these are really helpful in getting all my thoughts down for the day and getting in the mood for writing whatever I have planned for the day. I also want to do the whole The Artist Way 12 week course thingie.


Reading Goals

  • Read 200 books

    This has been my goal for several years but now that I finally have a hold on my anxiety and ADHD I might actually achieve this.

  • Read books out of my comfort zone.

    I tend to get stuck in the same kind of books. I ams starting to feel that this really limits my knowledge and stuff so I want to branch out.



  1. While all of your goals look good, as my wife and I are paleo too, I especially like those goals involving paleo. Go Paleo! Yes. If you ever need any advice, look us up. Really. Especially my wife. She has lots of great ideas and resources — including on Pinterest, if you’re there.

    1. admin says:

      What is your wife twitter and pinintrest account name? I recall her saying something earlier but for the life of me I cant remmy. I would love to have a “buddy” to do this with!

      1. Wife on Twitter is @Shieldmaiden96. On Pinterest, I believe it’s just her name, Kimberly Robinson.

  2. joyweesemoll says:

    Great goals!

    Did you see this group that is doing The Artist’s Way this year? http://www.alphabetsalad.com/the-artists-way-in-2014-creative-resolution/ We’re taking a slow path — one chapter a month instead of a week. That’s going to help me.

    1. admin says:

      Thank You for telling me about this! I sent a request to join the group. It will be fun to do it with other people.

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