This year I am reading what the F@&* I want to

I was thinking about ARC’s and how I go and request them or I get them sent to me. I unlike most book bloggers never did get all excited for ARC books. However when one came my way I almost always accept.

It got to the point where I was feeling pressured to read all of these books and it got to the point where I did not really like that. I have always been a mood reader and I have to be in the right mood to really enjoy a book. That’s why I get so many books from the library. I know I will have a book for what ever mood strikes. If I failed to get motivated to read the book before it expired then I always felt guilty. Plus I am not good at scheduling book reading. I can barley remembered to take my book back to the library.

Then sometime last year I was reading Still Unfinished Blog where he found a blog from I forgot who, about how they was going to read what the hell they wanted to. This sounds like a very good idea. I was looking at all the ARC’s I had failed to get to and was feeling guilty, then I thought, this is supposed to be fun, a hobby not more work where the editor calls you up every couple of days asking where your article is. That is how I started out and how it will remain. A fun hobby that I can meet people who share my interests while still keeping my hermit qualities.

1 Comment

  1. I have to give credit where credit is due. The blogger’s name is SJ; the blog, Book Snobbery. Here’s the link: While I’m doing basically that this year again, I’m just not calling it that. πŸ™‚ I’m not into ARCs either and never have been. I read what I want, when I want.

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