Bloggiesta Spring 2014

Bloggiesta1S141It is time for bloggiesta again! Most of the time I have trouble coming up with a list butthis time I came prepared! I started writing down what I wanted to get accomplished and so for the first time ever I have a list that is not made up off the top of my head. Here is what I want to do:

put Goodreads and rss button on my blog

Figure out how to increase the font size

Figure out how to make a follow button on the blog

Figure out how to make the blog title and about me text more visible

Update the about me page

learn how to make a vlog, with captions and everything

Participate in twitter chats

Do mini challenges


Put reviews on pintrest and Goodreads

If you want to participate you can sign up here!




  1. The mini challenges look really fun, so thinking about doing several. Have fun, and good luck with your goals!

  2. Good luck on your list. I figured out how to make a vlog, but not how to add the captions. Hope you can figure it out!

  3. This is my first time visiting your blog and I absolutely love the title of your blog and the layout! Good luck with your Bloggiesta list!

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