Booking Through Thursday


Today’s question is suggested by Mae.

“I couldn’t sleep a wink, so I just read and read, day and night … it was there I began to divide books into day books and night books,” she went on. “Really, there are books meant for daytime reading and books that can be read only at night.”
– ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera, p. 103.

Do you divide your books into day and night reads? How do you decide?

I might be in the minority here but when I read that book and that passage my first thought was how strange. I am in the camp of where if I am reading a book I want to finish that book before going on to something else.


  1. I’m in the same “camp”! I can only read one book at one time. The only time I’ll divide my books is when I read at night — I can’t read scary books at night! 😛

    Here’s my Day and Night response 😀

  2. This question left me puzzled, as I have never heard of having “day” and “night” books. I guess I am not the only one who was confused!

  3. I don’t divide my books by day or night. Here is my answer for Booking Through Thursday.

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