Sunday Salon

The Sunday Salon

Hi! How is everyone? It seems that my health woes are over so I am looking forward to jumping back into blogging full time.

This past weekend was Bloggiesta and I have enjoyed myself very much. I have got a lot done and after I get home from church today I will do some more. It runs until midnight tonight.  One thing I did that I love is that I made a spreadsheet for review books and libabry books. I will never miss a review again and hopefully will never forget to drop my books off at the library again. I learned about it from here as part of the bloggiesta mini challenge.

I have been struggling  along with Going Clear. It not that it is a hard book or anything, I just read so slow. I lamented about this in this post. If anyone has any tips on how to regain my once super speed reading skills I would be happy to hear them.

I have scheduled out post for the rest of this week so be sure to check back!


  1. Unfortunately, I have no advice on speed reading. I’m a slow reader, by nature, but I’m okay with that. I get to see more of the book that way. 🙂

    Bloggiesta, I think, actually ends at 5 p.m. or at least that’s when finish line posts start going up. I’m aiming for that myself, but I’m not sure how that will go.

    1. admin says:

      I think I will go over also. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted. Oh well I guess I could work on them by myself.

  2. I really should check into creating a spreadsheet. I did create a Google calendar, but I need something I can print out and physically handle.


  3. Nice that you got your spreadsheet all organized. 🙂 I generally just keep track of that stuff on my Google Calendar. That’s worked pretty well for me.

    My Sunday Salon

    1. admin says:

      I tried the Google Calender but I still kept missing review dates and stuff so I am hoping the spreadsheet will help.

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