I have made a big decision. I have decided to get healthy. I know I said the same thing a couple years ago, and I almost stuck to it. I lost 85 pounds from January to November then the Holidays came, and I fell off the wagon and got back up to 310 pounds.

I hate being this fat. It is hard to move. I feel like the laziest human ever but you try lugging around 310 pounds of fat, and I bet you would spend a lot of time at rest. I have made halfhearted attempts this year, but my biggest goal was to quit smoking. And I did. I still get cravings, but I have learned to work through them and not give in. I am hoping after a time the cravings will go away. I smoked for 21 years and I am only 35 years old. I guess after smoking for that long it is understandable that my brain would revolt. Every time a bad situation happened, I would stuff my face. So now that I have no desire ever to smoke again. I am focusing on my weight.
I know that some people would think that starting on the Holidays is a dumb idea. I figured my will power right now is tremendous. I am still on a high after quitting smoking, and I am still in the mind frame that I can do anything. So bring on all your candy and shit I am ready to turn them all down. I figure if I can get through THIS holiday season without going off plan then I can make through ANY holiday and still be healthy.
After reading the book Better Than Before I realized that I need outside accountability to keep me on track. So here I am opening up my soul to you on this blog and twitter and somewhat on my personal Facebook account. I joined BeachBody, and I am eating paleo. I have a Beachbody coach who is Paleo, and I am a member of some support groups. I know that this is a lot, but I feel with so many people looking at me to see how my “fancy” shakes are going to work out, I feel even more tied to the program and thus I will lose weight. I know the program works if you follow it, so I have set myself up to succeed in every possible way.
I am typing this up on Friday morning at 8 am and so far I have done my exercise, showered and drank a gallon of water, meditated and journaled. Yes, I read Miracle Morning and today was rough, but now I am feeling all accomplished.
For exercise, I did the 21 days fix cardio thingie on my Roku. It kicked my ass. Halfway through my legs gave out and I had to crawl to the couch and recover. And yes, I was doing the modified version. It had taken a good ten mins before my wobbly legs stopped wobbling. My goal for this round of 21-day fix is to make it through the tape. Baby steps.
I am using myfittnesspal to track everything I eat. I use the containers that beach body sent to measure portion sizes. I almost cried when I saw how small they were. I was like no wonder I am fat I have been using huge portion sizes for everything. It will take some getting used to, but I know I can do it.
I wish you much luck on your health goals. Sounds like you are on the right track. Just keep it going! It’s good to keep focus during the holiday season. which can be so hard.