While too much technology can distract you, there are some apps that are a GodSend. I used to balk at apps that claim to help but I finally started looking and trying out different apps, and I found some that truly enhanced my life. Below I list the apps that I use every day all day long.

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I am a data nerd, and this app is pure perfection. It takes information from a verity of sources, and it comes up with a reason “why” you are having a good day so you can replicate it more often and stop having strings of shitty days.
No, just me? Ummm ok
Seriously though this app is super neat and it has come up with some outstanding correlations.
I wish I had discovered this a long time ago. This is the only program that I have stuck to for more than a few days. It has everything you could want in a fitness app you can track water your workouts, and it even gives you a meal plan! It is all planned out for you, and all you have to do is to look at what is on the menu and follow the recipes and ta-da. I know some people scoff at this idea, but I get design fatigue yo. I HATE standing in a store trying to figure out how many points a Weight Watcher meal is. That tripped me up every time. I swear you need to be able to do advanced calculus to succeed with weight watchers. I went to meeting for two long miserable years n dither was round 100 people in that meet in during the two years I was there only THREE that is right THREE people got on lifetime. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that Weight watchers tries to keep people fat so they will forever be stuck in thre program. Not Sweat though. I see outstanding results, and I have been on it since January. People have asked me how I am losing all my belly fat so fast and I tell them about the Bikini Body Guide.
You can also track your steps with it. I try aiming for 5,000 (so far) steps ASIDE from my treadmill “runs.” I work from home as a GhostWriter, and it is tough to get up off my butt and get some steps in.
Rescue Time
I use theist keep track of my productive time vs. my distracting time. It was a bit of a pain to get set up, but once you have a good system going, you can use it to only block the distracting website. Good for if you need to work on your blog and need access to some website but want to block facebook you can.
This is for when you want/need to block the whole damn internet to buckle up and get shit done. If I am working on a client project most likely, I will use this so I can focus entirely on whatever I am working on.
My Desire Map Planner
It is no secret among people that know me now that I am a hip new age person. I also like a DIY approach to healing, but I will admit there are times when you need a good therapist to help you through whatever shit you are going through
I really really admire Danielle Laporte, and I love all her books. I even have the desire map planner, and I wuv it so much. I feel that it helps keep me grounded and focused on living my best life possible.
All my cochlear implant stuff
I never thought in a million years I would be singing the praises of the Advanced Bionic Cochlear Implant. ( Who the hell thought up the name advanced bionics? Makes me sound like a droid) I mean hell no one could even get me to wear my POS hearing aids. So when I announced that I was going to get an implant, it sent shockwaves all throughout my friends. I was BORN Deaf. I have never heard normally in my life so imagine the shock when it turned out I was a CI superstar. The audiologist was all like this is an outlier NO ONE could have expected it to turn out this well. And now I can get my damn Spotify which was the reason I wanted it in the first place, and I can listen to audiobooks and all. If my hair is down and people cat sees my cute pink implants they never even know that I am Deaf.
I have written here about my struggle to not live in a pigpen. I mean my messes are the stuff of legends, but it finally got to the point where I was just done with living worse than actual pigs do. I read Unf*uck your habitat, and it was life-changing. Fist though I had to get my apartment in order. I begged my mom to help me, and when she saw the pile of trash obscuring my living room floor she almost backed out but alas
Her and my stepfather and me worked for 48 hours and got this apartment scrubby clean. BUUUUT to keep it clean I needed steam, and so I bought the UFYH app, and it indeed has been a sanity saver. I am proud to say that my apartment is Still Scrubby clean for three whole months now. I am on a roll!