ISBN: 9780307272706
by Gary Taubes
Format: audiobook
Published by Alfred A. Knopf on 2011
Genres: Health & Fitness, Diet & Nutrition, Diets, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Food Content Guides
Pages: 257
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moreAn eye-opening, myth-shattering examination of what makes us fat, from acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes.
In his New York Times best seller, ...
This book has been huge in the low carb circles. This along with a couple of other books are like the holy grail of the paleo/primal/keto crowd. I try and follow a paleo-ish diet, but as I do not like a lot of meat sometimes this is damn near impossible. Sill i feel that a paleo diet if yu can stand dead flesh IS the best diet out thereFacebookth for health reasons and for weight loss purposes.
What I liked
The reserch in this book is very through. It is evident that Taubes has really done his research compiling this book. There was a time for a few months that i was hard-core paleo but it got to the point where i was just like meat…gross. HOWEVER i did take away a lot from doing the paleo diet. Things such as only drink water, get some movement in my day. Eat more good fats and to stay the hell away from simple carbohydrates all of which i still do.
It tells you straightforward on how to lose weight and it cites some statics that have been covered up or not widely published. It explains why counting calories do not really work. Or if you do manage to lose weight while cutting back on the calories why you are most likely to gain it all back then some. I have found this to be true in my own case. When I was on weight watchers it was a HUGE struggle to get even a pound off. When i switched instead to cut out the junk foods and to plan my meals with protein and healthy fats the weight came off more easily.
I have started working out hardcore. I have been doing BBG and OMG after I work out I am soooo hungry. I thought it was just me being a pig, but no this book reassures me that exercise DOES make you hungry and unless you eat protein and fat you will end un beginning. This made me feel lots better as I thought it was all in my head.
I had also wondered why I was always unable to eat sugary stuff in moderation. I mean, I cant just have one cookie if I eat one most likely I won’t stop until I have eaten the whole package. I had always thought I was just weak but in Why We get Fat the book delves into an explanation of why some people are unable to handle sugar.
What I did not like
It can get a bit techy at times. If you don’t have a scientific background you could get lost in some parts of the book. I listen to this on audio and there were more than a few times i was all like HUH? What did the book just say? This was an audiobook that really challenged my understanding soken words I lost all of my hearing in 7th grade ( could hear a bit before then) so i have never heard a lot of these words spoken before. I had to rewind it a lot then google what i thought it said. Sometimes i got it sometimes not but i used my context clues to fill in the parts i truly could not understand.
I liked this book. I feel that it gives you the other side of the argument. I am not saying that low carb is best, BUT there are so many studies that are covered up that we should know about so that we can make the best decisions for ourselves.
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