ISBN: 9781580058025
by Marla Cilley
Also by this author: Sink Reflections
Published by Basic Books on December 18, 2018
Genres: House & Home, Self-Help, Self-Management, Time Management, Small Spaces, Personal Growth, Happiness, Motivational & Inspirational
Pages: 208
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With the help of New York Times bestselling author and housekeeping guru Marla Cilley, you'll cure your household CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) by changing your messy home into a soothing sanctuary
Are you suffering from CHAOS, otherwise known as Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome? If your house is a jumble of dirty dishes, piles of paper, and never-ending laundry, you are probably afflicted. But don't give up hope, because now there's an antidote: The CHAOS Cure.
In her eagerly anticipated new book, Marla Cilley--aka "The FlyLady" to the hundreds of thousands who visit her website for daily domestic inspiration--reaches into our homes to help make housecleaning more meaningful and life less messy. With a little bit of armchair therapy and plenty of practical, tactical tips--such as "On the Fly!" quick fixes and genius uses for sticky notes--she'll help us get our houses in shipshape order before we can break a sweat. Along the way, the FlyLady teaches us to embrace household maintenance as an act of self-care, and to enjoy the soothing satisfaction of an orderly habitat.
Before you know it, you'll be on the fast-track to living CHAOS-free, surrounded by sparkling serenity.
I saw last year that FlyLady had a new book coming out and I squealed with delight at the anticipation of reading more of The FlyLady. Then all my offline friends were like umm Hillary don’t you have a cleaning lady?
Why yes I do..but I still like the books and I once upon a time DID CLEAB.No matter that was ten years ago while living with my now ex. Now that I live alone and have a few dollars I hire someone. Nothing wrong with that.
Even if I no longer actually clean I love how soothing she sounds and I feel that her books are really good. Scribd had the audiobook so I downloaded it and she sounded just as soothing with her voice as she did in the book. There was also advice on how to make habits and on how to make them stick. It was so simple but genius. Stick a post-it note that tells you what you are attempting to make a habit of and it will remind you til it is stuck in your brain and then you can throw the post-it note away. It is such a simple solution that I am kinda mad that I did not think of it for myself. And if you don’t like the ugly yellow original post it notes there are zillions of design that you can choose from. I love office supply stuff so I am always collecting things lie cute post-it notes an the like. Now that I think about it I can also use it to post my affirmations. it is amazing the things that come to mind when we are pointed in the right direction.
As for the Narration, I don’t know where I thought Flylady was from but hearing her read the book it is a southern accent. It was a well-preformed audiobook I had no idea that she was from the south. Her voice is soothing. Do you know how some people like to yell and cuss you out to explain something? (Tony Robbins I am looking at you) Not Marla Cilley. I kind of wish that she has some mediations to listen to. It is that calming to listen to her. Maybe the Headspace people should look into that.
Even if you are the type like me who prefers to hire a cleaning lady his book still has some valuable info such as how to stick to a routine. Marla Cilley explains how by having a set routine n place you free up the mental clutter and are able to put more brain power behind what really matters to you such as blogging and the like. I started trying to keep a routine and I have found that it really does free up mental space so that I can devote all my brain power to my blog and writing For shits and giggles I looked on the Apple app store and found that Flylady has an app! Well, actually two apps. They have, cleaning classes and an app where they send 10 million messages but it has space where you can list your routines and when u cross an item off you get “points” They have gamified the whole cleaning process!
While I liked this book, to be honest, I much prefer the book Unfuck your Habitat. (my review here) The UFYH is more in line with my personality. If the Flylady met me, she would probably run away screaming as soon as I opened my mouth.
I would recommend this book to who respond to a soft, gentle manner and are Religious. Which I most definitely am NOT. However, if you then get your hands on a copy!