ISBN: 9781591846697
Length: 1 hour and 4 mins
by Laura Vanderkam
Format: audiobook
Published by Penguin on 2013
Genres: Business & Economics, Time Management, Personal Success, Self-Help, Self-Help, Self-Management
Pages: 173
Source: library
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Three powerful mini e-books about high productivity, now together in paperback
Laura Vanderkam has combined her three popular mini e-books into one comprehensive guide, with a new introduction. It will help readers build habits that lead to happier, more productive lives, despite the pressures of their busy schedules. Trough interviews and anecdotes, she reveals . . .
- What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast?to jump-start the day productively.
- What the Most Successful People Do On the Weekend?to recharge and prepare for a great week.
- What the Most Successful People Do at Work?to accomplish more in less time.
I saw this book on a site that gave you REALLY short audiobooks that will last you one workout. I forget what site but anyway. I am a productivity nerd, and I read anything having to do with productivity. I looked, and my library had it as an audiobook! It had a long ass waiting list though so it took a couple of months for it to come in. Once it did, I settled down to listen to it. I thought it would be at least a couple hours long but maybe I one of the few who does intense 2 hours workouts. It was only an hour long, and I was surprised when it was over. I was like umm that’s it?
It did not even have that much of new information in it. If you have read Miricle Morning, then you already know the info that is in this book. Mostly it just tells you that people should get up early in the am to work out which I do anyway but to claim that that is the “best time” gets me. I mean what if someone does stuff best at night? Who are we to say that 5 am the best time to hit the gym?
That was the only point that stuck in my craw about this book. Iy is an excellent book I just felt as if was a rehash of the DO EVERYTHING BEFORE 8 AM mantra. I workout in the morning cause, if I don’t then my anxiety, will build up and things get iffy. Will I have an attack? AM I having an attack? OMG, I GOT SO MUCH TO DO I CANT BE ANXIOUS and before I know it I am on the bed in the fetal position getting nothing done. I am not sure WHY exercise helps me so much I just know that it DOES so I drag my butt to the gym every morning and I leave feeling like I can move mountains. And that is kind of the whole point the author is trying to make. That if you do what is important to you before 8 am then it sets up for success later on in the day.
The way you tell a story…you crack me up. “AM I having an attack????” Love you, girl.
The way you tell a story…you crack me up. “AM I having an attack????” Love you, girl.