Bloggiesta March 23-29- 2015

Bloggiesta-S15Monday starts the first ever week-long Bloggiesta! I have a LOT to do this week! Here is my to do list.

Upload and customize new theme

update review archive

Update review policy

Pin my reviews

participate in mini-challenges

participate in twitter chats

comment on blogs



  1. Great list of goals! I’ve been working on pinning my old reviews, but have quite a few to go through so think it’s going to take me awhile. Good luck, and Happy Bloggiesta!

    Terri @ Alexia’s Books and Such…

    1. Hillary says:

      It will take me a while too. I wish everything would just magically do itself!

  2. Wonderful list! I hope you finished everything 🙂

  3. joyweesemoll says:

    Great list! Comment on blogs is on my list, too — so here I am. Wishing you a happy and productive Bloggiesta!

  4. That looks like a great list and definitely something that will take a week. Good luck and have fun!

  5. Kassiah says:

    This is a great list! I need to work on pinning reviews, too! Good luck in accomplishing your goals this week!

  6. Seems like everyone need to update the review policy hehehe. Good luck! I love your background!

    1. Hillary says:

      Thank you!! At first I wasnt too sure but now I love it.

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