Book Review: Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan, Danae Yankoski

Book Review: Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan, Danae YankoskiCrazy Love
ISBN: 9781434768513

by Francis ChanDanae Yankoski
Format: ebook

Published by David C. Cook on 2008
Genres: Religion, Christian Life, General
Pages: 186
Source: Scribed
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God is love.  Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love.  Have you ever wondered if we're missing it?
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God...


my review

I have been aching to get closer to God lately. I thought this book sounded good. It seemed like it was written by someone who is close to God and has some good words to say about it. I did not have any pre-conceived notions going into the book.

I liked it ok. It was a refreshment to the usual do this or go to hell type books that so many of my Christian friends read. It was also extreme. I am not too sure how I would feel if God told me to give away everything and do something. Yes, I have a dream of traveling and writing but to GIVE AWAY stuff and trust God? I am ashamed to admit this, but I am not sure if I have that level of confidence in God yet. That is something that I need to work on.

The book has a message of extreme love. It involves giving away stuff and things like that. Not something most of us want to hear. Many of us want to feel vindicated, or that great material blessings are on our way. This book is the opposite of that. For me, it was a hard book to swallow as it pointed out all my weak spots. Then again that is good as I can now work on them.



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