After what seems like a long winter summer is finally getting here. It felt like winter is longer than the summer here in Cleveland but what can you do? I have just finished a huge client project, and I am giving myself a summer vacay. One of the things that I love to do is to read by the pool in the summertime. Now that I can understand audiobooks it makes it doubly easy to read everywhere I go. There are also books that I like to reread once a year to soak in the information or the story one more time. Below I have listed the books that I have planned for a reread during the long hot summer months.
The Desire map
I read this book first a couple of years ago on a family camping trip and reading this surrounded by the mountains it felt as I had an Ephiny. It broke open and showed me that there was a whole other way to live rather than being a rat in a rat race. I had been a Type A personality, and I was ready to burn out from my soul-sucking government job. I made the decision to go with writing full time, and everyone thought I was insane.
“Hilary! You will end up under a bridge!”
And other various refines like that.
I AM not living under a bridge and am doing more money writing than I did at my old job. I guess I am proof that The desire Map works.
A New Earth
I read this the same year as I read the Desire Map cause I heard Danielle Laporte rave about it. I read this one like three times in a row I was so enamored with it. I felt as I had found the second person (the first was Danielle Laporte) that spoke to my soul. I encouraged all my friends to read it, and most reactions were he was far to woo-woo for them and that he was a nut job. I was like I dont care. I feel as if he is speaking the truth in my gut. I later learned that he was suicidal then had a breakthrough that led to him expecting untold bliss. He then spent two years on a pro bench just reeling in his new found joy. I have been suicidal also, but I struggle still with anxiety and depression I wish I could tap into the joy that he describes but ahh well.
White Hot Truth
Another Danielle Laporte book. When I read this book, I was consumed with an anxiety attack so not a lot stuck with me. I want to reread it while I am calm and relaxed and see if I can glean some more info from it.
Tolstoy and the purple chair
This book fascinates me to no end. I mean a book a day, a book that you hold in your hands and read a DAY for a whole year? Then post about it something about that fascinated the hell out of me. I have to admit it sounds like a great way to process through the grief process. Maybe I should try it for like a month or so.