Wither by Lauren DeStefano Published by Simon and Schuster on March 22nd 2011 Genres: Dating & Sex, Death & Dying, Science Fiction, Social Issues, Young …
Review: When She Woke
When She Woke is a dystopian retelling of a Scarlet Letter. In this world criminals are chromed (their skin turned a different color) according to …
Review: A Cousin’s Challenge
This is the third and last book in the Amish Indiana Cousins Series. This book I was looking forward too as it had a Deaf …
Review: A Cousin’s Prayer
From Goodreads: Kumme to Amish country, where the simple ways of life lead to hope and healing. Katie Miler is traumatized after her boyfriend is …
Review: Sex on Six Legs
From Goodreads: Insects have inspired fear, fascination, and enlightenment for centuries. They are capable of incredibly complex behavior, even with brains often the size of …
Review: Becoming a man of Unwavering Faith
From Goodreads: During the course of his 60-year ministry, John Osteen combined an extraordinary love for people with a vision for ministry best described in …
Review: Blood Red Road
From Goodreads: Saba has spent her whole life in Silverlake, a dried-up wasteland ravaged by constant sandstorms. The Wrecker civilization has long been destroyed, leaving …
Review: The Loving Dead
The Loving Dead by Amelia Beamer Published by Start Publishing LLC on July 1st 2010 Genres: Fiction, Horror Pages: 272 Goodreads Kate and Michael are …
Review:Squirrel Seeks Chipmunks
From Goodreads: Featuring David Sedaris’s unique blend of hilarity and heart, this new collection of keen-eyed animal-themed tales is an utter delight. Though the characters …
Review: State of Wonder
From Goodreads:Sometimes being on the vanguard of scientific progress thrusts you into the teeth of danger. For Minnesota pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Marina Singh, that means …