It is now the middle of February. Normally at this time of year I would be desperate for any hint of sunshine. Anxiety would overtake me and it felt as if the warm summer breezes would never blow my way again. I would be curled up on my bed hoping that the next time I opened my eyes that it would ne summer. Not this year this year I was proactive in beating Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD). I read Seasonal Affective Disorder for Dummies. I took a lot of the advice I found there and some i read about on the internet and some i came up with all of my own.
I moved into different apt that has big windows on the side that the sun shines and this has made my seasonal affective disorder a million times better. Light shines into my apt and i no longer feel as in I am in a dark cave like i did in my previous apartment. This might be a drastic step but it is one that I am happy I made.
I bought these light bulbs that stimulate natural daylight. So my apt is bright and cheery. They cost me an arm and a leg but again it was worth every penny I spent on them. Even at night if I have my lights on it keeps my apartment from becoming a dark cave where no light can penetrate.
I keep my apartment spotless. I read Flylady’s book and website and read how other users feel better when they ‘FLY”. So I started to do the same thing and wouldn’t you know it a lot of my anxiety evaporated just like that. I am normally a messy person so it takes work but I am always so happy with the results.
I cut out negative people. I know this is a no brainer but I was so afraid of losing friends that I would keep anyone who would tolerate me around. Then I realize they were influencing how I felt about myself so I sat down and made a list of who supports me and who is negative for me and the negative people I gave the boot. I may have far fewer friends now but at least they are all positive and upbeat and it makes me feel positive and upbeat.
If the stress gets to be too much and i need to do something to de stress I take a bubble bath. I have all kinds of bubble bath scents so I will pick one and either read in the tub or listen to music. I always feel better after doing this. This is great for when I have a cigarette craving. Works like a charm.
I bought summer time scents. When you walk in my apartment that is coconut you smell. This helps me at least pretend summer is just around the corner and hope is a very powerful thing.
What are your strategies for beating the Winter Blues? Leave them in the comments.