If you have been reading this blog for a while, you have probably noticed that I have a difficult time in following through on most of my goals/ I want 2109 the year where I make a serious forward motion in all area of my life. I knew that for this to happen I needed some serious help. I asked a friend who slays goals like you wouldn’t believe. I then desired mapped how I wanted to feel then came up with S.M.A.R.T goals. I then reversed engineers them to break them down by quarters/month/weekly/Daily things I need to happen to reach all my 2019 goals.

Follow Weight Watchers
When I say follow weight watchers, I do not mean to be perfect and if I eat a .5 point over my limit that I have failed and can eat shit for the rest of the day/week/month. Instead, I will do it to the best of my ability, and if I do slip up, I will stop at that moment and track what I ate and got on with the program. We all stumble myself included but seeing things in black and white when everything is in variations of gray does me or you no good. Getting right back up again counts a lot and if I keep doing that them the weight WILL come off.
Work out with the BBG program
My knees finally feel better. They still hurt a bit i am not crippled like before. I tried the BBG program again, and I DID IT YAY!!! To be honest working out to lose weight while nice was not the way to get me and zillions of other people to stay with whatever program they choose. For me, I exercise to keep my demons at bay. My shrink had been telling me for years to give work out a try, and I wish I had started sooner. I was FAR less anxious and depressed in 2018 that what I usually am.
Read 16 books
I want to read 200 for shits and giggles. I did some math, and I realized that I need to read 16 books a month to meet that goal.
Drink as many cups of water as the Waterlogged app tells me I need
Get in the habit of mediating with headspace
I have friends who swear by HeadSpace. I did the basic program, and I have meant to start the anxiety pack. I keep putting it off cause the thought of being alone instead my head scares the shit out of me. I mean I have a serious mental illness, and I never know what demons may try and catch up with me. I meant that last sense in the philosophical aspect. I do not think there are actual demons running rampant around me. Least I hope not #kidingnotkidding
Test changing my Social Media Strategy
I have seen so many people in blog land telling others that Twitter and Facebook penalize you for using programs such as MeetEdward and SmarterQueue. I too now notice a sharp decline in my growth on those platforms and after a couple of months I buckled down and am now trying Buffer and Hipalay. My blogger friends told me that there does not seem as much penalty for using tase programs. We shall see I guess. I am giving it three months then in Match I will revaluate.
Do at least one video on Instagram a week
Instagram is where it is at!! Seriously though I see a lot of the super popular bloggers using their stories to build trust and brand awareness and all of that. My problem is not that I don’t want to do it but I feel fat and not all that pretty and thoughts like that swirl around in my brain. I end up not doing anything and I feel like an even bigger idiot. I mean you can’t have massive growth on Instagram without posting stuff. I am starting with one video a week then when I feel comfy with that I will increase the number.