Well, folks, it is June the second half of the year. I have finished the book that I was working on. It is in my client’s hands and the editor’s Meanwhile you can find me on my ass firmly parked either inside or outside reading until September. Except for the gym, I will get off my ass to the gym. Anything else…NOPE. Ohh I almost forgot I would get off my ass for one more thing..the library.
Follow my BBG diet
I have been so so soooo bad with this in the past couple of months. I had a deadline, and I just ate and ate. Now it is time to reel it back in and follow the diet so I can get this weight off can be a nomad next year lol
Go to the gym every day
I am not sure what was up with my knees in may, but they hurt like hell last month. Some friend suggested that I may have overtrained. Like all those squats I do when I weigh 250 pounds. As one doctor put it that is like a 600-pound load on your weak knees. To be safe and to be sure I wasn’t coming down with say Lupus or something I went to the dr and his theory was that yep I did to overtrain my knees. He asked me what all do to workout, and I explained what BBG was, and I also said I ran too. The Dr said that even elite athletes get pain and either you rest or learn to deal with it. I opted for resting for a whole month. I did not mean to take a month off my knees hurt THAT bad. They finally feel somewhat better, so maybe I will hold off on BBG until my knees can take the pressure. But I miss working out and I find that I feel loads better emotionally and physically when I do so I will have to find some exercises the won’t make my knees feel like they are gonna pop off
Sit on my ass and take a staycation. At least I plan to do a lot of sitting on my ass
I have been bombarded with deadlines in may and was not able to read or anything. I need a breather and summer is slow in the freelance world in the summer. I have found it true for me as well so for June I plan to do a lot of sitting on my ass both inside and outside and READ.
I am also separating out my work blog (Hillary Nicole Roberts) from this is my”personal” blog.
I need a space to be creative and to talk about whatever the hell I want to. I can keep this purple, and my work blog can look all professional. I also separated my twitter account (purplemoonmyst) is my personal one and created a working one (@Hillarynroberts) Who am I kidding I wanna talk books and the occasional fitness update. However, having a purple blog does not exactly inspire confidence, and if I blab on about books, people won’t know about my freelance writer or ghostwriter stuff.
Do the productivity habits that I want to cultivate for the second half of the year.
I wrote this out because I read a lot of productivity books but most of the time fail to implement them, I am inspired by the Miracle Morning and how it changes Hal’s life. Most of the time I sit in my pajamas. I even have a pajama board on Pinterest. Writing but I am tired of that, so I am gonna get dressed and show up! It is hard to feel productive in pajamas 24/7, so I am gonna start putting on street clothes.
Good luck! I’m also going to exercise more this summer. I LOVE food, so I need to do something to balance out all that eating.
I share your love of food. I am just lucky in that the BBG diet has such a good database of satisfying foods.
Good luck! I’m also going to exercise more this summer. I LOVE food, so I need to do something to balance out all that eating.
I share your love of food. I am just lucky in that the BBG diet has such a good database of satisfying foods.