Now that I am 99 percent pain-free I have started working out again. I bought a years sub to Tone it Up and have been using it for three weeks now. I did not expect to be able to pound out a heart-stopping HIIT workout like before, but I also was unprepared how weak my legs would feel. I got down n the floor to make some moves, and I honestly thought I was not going to be able to pull myself back up. I DID get up and the last three weeks have been difficult exercise wise, but yesterday I got up without any problems sooo I KNOW that I am getting stronger. So yay to that!
I have recently learned to accept and stop fighting my new age beliefs. Yes, I was born in raised in Central Appalachia. Yes, my parents are fundamental Christians but to be honest, the whole Christian thingie never felt right to me. I tried making myself be a “good Christian,” but it always felt like putting on a show. Then I discovered Danielle Laporte and my world was forever changed. I was all new agey in college and returning and accepting that is how my soul is aligned felt like coming home.
I finally GET IT that what I put in my body directly impacts the way I feel. I wish I could have learned this without getting psoriasis arteritis, but I am the kind that has to be whacked over the head before a lesson will sink in. My pain med helps some yes, but I have learned that as long as I don’t eat gluten, sugar, white flour or dairy, I am pain-free! AlsoI feel so much better psychically and mentally. I am sleeping better, the brain fog is gone, and the list goes on and on. Bottom line: if you want to feel amazing then you got to feed yourself amazing foods!
I am also getting the fact through my thick head that all mega-successful people INVEST IN THEMSELVES! Whether it be coaching, courses or whatever no one arrives at the top without making themselves a priority. So far this year I joined a mastermind AND spent a ton on healthy foods and a workout program, and I regret none of it.
I also decided to get professional in-person help with my binge eating disorder. Some people use drugs, and some use food, and I happen to be one of the latter. I am learning strategies in dealing with stress other than stuffing my face. This includes exercising and mediating among other stuff. It must be working because my weight is going down again, Thank God. I do not have a scale yet. I usually get weighed at the mt therapist and shrinks office, and the numbers are down from my all time high weight.