Bloggestia is here again! I love when it comes around. It is one of my favorite events, right up there with the read-a-thon. I have a few things that I want to do this Bloggiesta.
To start with I want to do all of the mini-challenges.
Organizing Reviews: Learn how to use Excel spreadsheets to keep track of your reviews from Lauren at Lose Time Reading. (@ooohgirlie)
Google Reader Replacement Options: In light of the announcement that we are losing Google Reader soon, Jenn from The Picky Girl has listed some options for her mini challenge. (@picky_girl)
Book Charities: Allison from The Book Wheel has a challenge to encourages us to support some bookish charities. (@TheBookWheel)
How to Become a Book Depository Affiliate: Come and learn from Donna from Book Wookie! (@BookWookie)
Through a Visitor’s Eye: An awesome challenge from Amanda at On a Book Bender that shows how to look at our blog in a new way and how to make sure you have everything you need for visitors. (@BookBender)
Getting to Know You: Join Suey from It’s All About Books in discovering one new blogger to connect with during this Bloggiesta event. (@SueySays)
Declutter Your Sidebar: Check out this challenge with lots of sidebar hints and helps from Debz at Debz Bookshelf.(@DebzBookshelf)
Reviewing in Many Places: This flashback challenge from Shanyn at Chick Loves Lit will help you get organized and post your review in lots of places, not just on your blog. (@shanynlee)
then my own to do list is:
Put all my reviews on goodreads and pintrest
Figure out how to convert my tags into categories and figure out how to make them in a drop down menu bar.
Work on my SEO
write the review I have been putting off.
Make a schedule of what I want to post when.
That is all I can think of right now but I am sure this will be more than enough to keep me busy all weekend!
Woohoo! Thanks for the shout-out!
I’ve seen a few people mention working on their SEO is this a WP thing?
Great goals, all the best!
My Bloggiesta Goals
Have a great Bloggigesta weekend!
What a list!!! It looks daunting but it’s good to remember that whatever you don’t finish this weekend can still be done at other times!
Good luck with your goals!
Here is my Bloggiesta To Do List!!!
Fab list 🙂 Good luck crossing off all of your goals. I hope you’re having a fun weekend!
I am having fun so far. I love bloggiesta!
Hope you accomplished everything you wanted to this weekend! I really need to update all of my reviews to Pinterest… I started awhile back and then just never finished. I’m still working on the last task of my Bloggiesta to-do list, trying to visit every blog participating!
Here is my List!
I did not get as much done as I wanted too but I got a lot done!