If you were reading this blog last year, you probably remember how much trouble my cat Marbles cost. Not only did he pee on a rare book from the library he also peed on almost everything owned. Including all of my purses and gym bags AND clothes. Both were from Wal-mart, so I did not get TOO upset. I only became mad when I found out that my favorite purse from Wal-Mart that I had which could also fit my laptop Wal-Mart discontinued the bag and tried to show me that they had another bag that was similar to the one the cat had pissed on. I paid 20 dollars for the old one and Was NOT about to cough up 100 dollars for the new bag. Well, to be honest, I wasn’t about to spend 100 dollars on a tote from Wal-Mart. If I am gonna plunk down some serious cash I wan a name brand tote. About That’s is right folks Wal-mart is now charging 100 bucks for a tote. I told the Wal-Mart lady that if I was gonna spend that much on a tote; I would go to the damn mall in Kingsport Tennessee and get a name brand one. Anyway, I am still sick, and I am forever going to the Dr office and not having a purse was getting old fast.
I then remembered some bloggers that I admire sing the praises of ThredUp, so I decided to take a look, and I found the PERFECT bag. My style is on the “classical” trendy side, and it is not easy finding stuff that I like. The bag was a Kenneth Cole Reaction tote. It had everything I could ask for in a bag PLUS it was only 25 dollars! WIN!! I wanted to see firsthand what kind of condition it would arrive in and my friends were all taking bets that if it was 75 percent off the retail price, then it must be in horrible shape or a rip-off. I also like to remind them that they thought the Warby Parker glasses was a scam and now every single one has at least one pair of Warby Parker.
I thought that where it said the tote was “gently used”I expected some water and tear, so I waited anxiously for the bag to arrive. I forget I am no longer in a city and how slow things are to arrive here in the mountains but finally, it came and with bated breath, I opened up the box, and it was looked as if it was new! I was dumbfounded, AND it wasn’t a knock off either. Even my mom was shocked.
One of the reasons that I love Thredup is that you can feel like you are getting a deal and you don’t have to say magical prayers under a full moon to make it look decent. I have friends who can go to Goodwill, and they see “potential,” and they really can make it look good. When I try, it looks like crap no matter what I do with to it, but with ThredUp it comes already looking good.
I am still losing weight; I don’t dont want to spend any more than I have to for clothes until I reach my goal weight. That is where ThredUp comes in handy. I can look like I spent a lot of money but I just paid 50.00, and when I get to a smaller size I won’t get all upset cause a 100 dollar shirt is now too big.
Overall I am pleased with Thredup, and I will be ordering lots more from there.