Well, I WAS going to create a pretty new graphic for my Sunday Funday because I FINALLY FIGURED OUT PHOTOSHOP. Y’all I can make photoshop DO things now! I was so thrilled when everything seemed to come finally together. Now I am going be editing ALL the pictures and creating ALL the graphics.
They switched me from my “it is highly possible that this med will give you a heart attack and your heart is skipping beats” med to Abilify. The first week they had me on too low a dose then I went up a dose and for a few days I was all like this shit is not working then about a week on that my life changed. I had no idea how depressed I was until I wasn’t. Seriously it was like night and day. I felt on top of the world. And I wasn’t manic I just wasn’t depressed anymore. I was like damn Hillary you was a sad person before. Then I ran out of Abilify. I blame the pharmacist that they messed up on counting my pills the say I started the 10 mg too soon. Who knows the fact is I ran out, and I had to wait a week for my new prescription and I went downhill fast. Now that I KNEW what being happy was I was even more depressed and spent most of my days in the fetal position. I finally got some more Abilify on Thursday, so I am hoping that it will kick in the next couple of days. crosses fingers
I am manged to read one book. It was Rising Strong. It gave me some ideas on how to deal with things. I enjoyed that book. I am a member of an online book club for female business owners and that’s how I heard about it. The book I am reading now is Miracle Mornings
. I also heard about it from my online book club.
Speaking of online book clubs I have been joining quite a few. I mean I can’t hear a real life one so online is better than nothing right?
I have to say I LOVE COMICS now. I can’t believe I never tried them until the read thon. I love them so hard. Luckily I found out that my library carries comics. Not individual issues but the volume ones. I saw the big ass Walking Dead one, and it was a pain in the ass to carry that thing plus other books on the bus. I am going to buy me a cart like this one (clicky). Go ahead and laugh but at least I won’t break an arm trying to carry 40 pounds of books. Those comics values can get really big.
I am going to spend the day reading and blogging now that I am feeling halfway human again. I am craving new book blogs to read. If you know of any, let me know in the comments. I will read almost anything so feel free to suggest your own, or you favorite blogs.
Glad to hear the new medicine is working…and that hopefully it will kick in soon for you so this truly will be a funday.
You probably already know the blog, but if you don’t, Sophisticated Dorkiness is a good one and she’s sponsoring, along with some other bloggers, a Nonfiction November. You might like to join.
Thank you so much for telling me about this! I definitely want to join!