I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to laugh at me…promise? Ok, I just read the first part of the MurderBot Dairies then I went to sleep and dreamed that Murderbot was chasing me and I had to run around in the spaceship we were on. It wasn’t the most pleasant of dreams. I was shaking for hours after I woke up.
But dang the series is REALLY good if you like sci-fi.
I have noticed that I no longer have brain fog I have been reading A LOT. I like to track my reading and have gone through Spreadsheet after spreadsheet until last year when Sarah’s Bookshelves made a spreadsheet where you can track who recommended a book to you your so you can weed out the people that you feel has a piss poor book recordation. OK..OK. Recemdations that are not your style of a book. For example, I am a liberal vegan new age self-help addict, but I have a friend who if you look up fundamental Christian in the dictionary her picture would be the first one listened. So while she may think a Chris Spurgeon book is an excellent book but I feel that Eckhart Tolle is THE dude to find your way in life well yeah….For your info, I made it to page 50 in the Chris Speongon book before declaring it bullshit and repressed the memory of it. I will not be taking HER recs any more. This year Sarah added a whole bunch of stuff such as challenge tracker series. A way to keep up with the book that comes next in a series among a whole lot of other things that us book nerds like to keep track of. If you want to buy it here is the link THIS IS NOT sponsored in any way, I think this is an excellent book tracker and it well worth the price.
If you have a blog and you want to monetize your blog you need a newsletter service thingie. I use and love Converitkit who is having an awesome Cyber Monday sale.
And in the interest of full disclosure, this is an affiliate link, but I have used ConvertKit for around three years and LOVE it. The benefits of an email newsletter are too much to type here. That is a whole other post.
On the blog Last week
I had initially planned more posts for last week, but I figured everyone would be too busy to read, so I moved them to this week when people are hopefully back to reading blogs.
What I read Last Week (Ebook)
You have probably suspected that I read the fist MurderBot book and you would be right.
This book sucked me in, and I only took breaks to sleep a little and to recharge my Cochlear Ear Implants. Speaking of implant batteries, that need to come up with one that lats a full 24 hours and that don’t cop out after three years of heavy use. I remember back in the good old day when I had the traditional hearing aids, and the battery lasted two whole weeks, and that was with it being on 24/7 cause SOMEONE somewhere thought it would be a good idea to make hearing aids and not have an off switch. So whhhhy does an implant battery at BEST only last 12 to 15 hours?
Anyway, I liked this book. Took a while to get used to what I am assuming is a Britsh accent but I could be wrong.
What I plan to read this week
A New Earth

This Will be a re-read. It is so out there that you have to read it multiple times to fully get everything
A Map of Days

I LOVED Miss Peregrine House of Paticlier Children and I when I saw this book on the Shelf at the Library I grabbed it. I had no idea that there was even a new book out in this series.
Broken Things

I have heard good things about this book from book bloggers, so I am going to see what all the hype is about
Bridge of Clay

I LOVED the Book Thief, and when I saw this on the new book shelf at the library, I snatched it up.