It seems that my depression is gone. I am not sure if it is the increase in my meds or if it is my new gluten-free vegan diet, but I was able to even start back at the gym! Yesterday I walked for an hour on the treadmill and racked up 16 Weight Watchers FitPoints according to my Fitbit. No, I do not eat my FitPoints I just treat myself in other ways like…
I pre-ordered Anne Bogel’s AKA Modern Mrs. Darcy book. It is supposed to be about personality frameworks. I think….I just love her blog, and the way she writes and I wanted to support her plus I should learn about personality stuff. Might even help me in real life.
I also bought me a new gym bag. When I realized I had walked 5 miles I all like OMG I WANT ICE CREAMS. I think with therapy and meditation I was able to stop and be like no Hilary you don’t DESERVE ice creams you are worthy of a healthier you and anyway you can treat yourself to a new gym bag! And so I did It is supposed to come on Tuesday. I told Marbles that If he pissed on this one, I would turn him into a kitten rug.
I was reading Book Riots Inbox/OutBox and this week was a gem. When I read that Nacy Drew and the Hardy Boys were back in an adult comic, I switched over to ComiXology and bought the whole damn series and put it on my “pull” list. I then proceeded to call my mom at 4 am screeching about NANCY DREW IS BACK!!! She was NOT amused.
There were a couple more that looked good that I was able to get from the library. Thank God for the Library. If not for the Library Jeff Bezos would own my soul.
On the implant front, I had another Major Breakthrough. I had signed up to be part of a Mastermind, and we agreed on weekly calls on zoom. The first one was this past Thursday, and I was as nervous as all hell. I mean I only got my implants last year and this year, and before that, I was profoundly Deaf. Who was I to think I would understand strange people? I told myself that if I wanted to grow, I needed to get out of my comfort zone and try so with shaking fingers I did and OMG I understood everyone! It shocked the hell out of me. I am glad I got a lot out of the mastermind, so I am pleased that I can be a part of it.
I am still testing the tailwind tribe thingie for book bloggers so if you want to check it with me here is the link to join…not much up there yet but the more people that participate, the more pins will be there. (clicky here)
I came across this site that publishes diverse books for children. Thier website is kinda wonky, but the books seem great. So If you have kiddies and are looking for diverse books for then here is the link (click here)
I’m walking and running more but need to get out of the whole habit where I think I can have a bit of chocolate or ice cream because I have worked out! Buying books sounds better!
yeah, buying books is the best!!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I, too, have embarked on a wellness push. I just retired and my goal is to get a hold of my health. I have weight to lose but I am starting off with just eating healthier, walking daily, and I hope to start water aerobics. Today I bought fitness gear—aqua socks to wear in the pool; hiking boots; a sports bra, and a new fitbit bracelet. We’ll see if the new gear helps keep me motivated.