It is July already!! Where has the time gone? We are at the half way nark and I have to say I am disappointed with how my blogging and reading resolutions have turned out. Although once my dr finally gave me something for my adult ADHD symptoms it has improved. I am hoping that my reading will pick up speed and my blogging will fall into a regular pattern.
One thing I realized is that I often fail to plan. And I know the most dedicated bloggers plan for every eventuality so that’s what I am going to start doing also. I set up a Google calendar with what post I want when and I am hoping this helps me keep to a regular posting schedule and not go weeks without posting anything,
Yesterday was fun I read most of the day then when dark came I had frount row seats from my house for the firework show. It lasted longer than I thought it would around 30 minutes. I was surprised because I do live in a small town so I thought it might be 5 mins tops but nope they had a really good 30 minute show.
Today I am going to church, then after church since it is raining here again, I will spend reading “Bad Girls of the Bible” and catching up with other blogs.
I hope everyone has a happy Sunday!!