Sunday Salon Nov 15 2015

The Sunday Salon

This is going up late, but at least it is going up. Haha Anyway the biggest thing is that the 21-day fix is kicking my ass. I am waiting until I get to the point where I have boundless energy, and I am fit and can do the tapes without half way killing myself. I guess any new exercise program is hard at first. It has only been a week, so I am not losing hope. Like I said on Friday I lost 5 pounds, so I know the program works. My Shrink also told me that exercise helps depression. I am waiting for THAT to kick in also. I heard it takes a few weeks of consistent exercise for it to kick in. So onward I go…..

I have decided not to deal with Facebook pages for any of my blogs. It seems I have everyone adding my personal page, and no one wants to go to my blog pages, so I am opening my personal page to everyone. Clicky here if you would like to add me as a friend. I will try to be entertaining. heh

I broke down and got Scribed back. I live near Cleveland, and it snows 4 feet in the winter. I am not battling the elements to get to the library. So Scribed and Kindle Unlimted it is. I know I am a bad bad reader for failing to support the library in the winter time but whatever. Maybe if the library shoveled Their sidewalks I would go but when they leave snowdrifts that are taller than me?…nope. On the other hand, I am sad that Oyster is going out of Business. I looked and screened has all of the books that I had on Oyster, so that is good. Plus Oyster has comics!

I am excited that ParaJunkie has the new Book Blog Planner out for next year. I have been using mine for a couple months now. Heh yes, I bought it way back in Jan but I didn’t really use it til now. It makes planning REALLY easy. So all the blog posts that you are seeing from me regularly now? I have planned them in the book blog planner, and I can just type them up and schedule them. And I can see where each post is so you won’t get ten straight book reviews. Book reviews are nice, but no one wants to read 10 of them in a row. I will continue to use it for next year. Now that I am posting every day I see my numbers go up so yay for that.

I told my whole family all I want for Christmas was the desire map planner. I read the Desire Map book, and I feel totally in love with it. I have been using my words which are creativity, freedom, adventure and love to guide me, and I have to say I AM happier than I would have been. It is a novel concept, but it works. I also want a paper planner that I can also decorate. I have seen what people do on Pinterest, and I am like that is soooo pretty I want to do that. I have high hopes that I will get my planner.




  1. I’ve never heard of Scribed before that I can remember, I’ll have to check it out.
    Have a great week!

    1. Hillary says:

      I love it. It has thousands of books!

  2. Deb Nance says:

    I hope you get your planner!

    1. Hillary says:

      me too!!

  3. I love your attitude..keep doing it till you’re kicking its ass! I totally understand the not traveling in bad weather/library issue.. Are you able to get eBooks and audios online with your library? That is how I do it.

    1. Hillary says:

      Yeah I can with some books. I get e books from the library.

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