I have a feeling me and Tim Ferriss would not get along. There, I was reading the book thinking he has some good productivity tips then I come across this line “when in a new place, get out and do something. Only read for an hour before you go to bed”. I am like, but I like to read and write IN a new place. To each his own I guess.
In other words this is an entertaining book that explains how to live anywhere. It gives tips on how to break free from your 9 to 5 job, how to find a place in a country that you can live in for however long you want to.
I did find some productivity tips that is useful. For example batch your tasks together to save time. Like I could do all my book review post in one day and then schedule them for the week. Or you could “batch” your landry or emails. The possiblities are endless.
If you are just looking for productivtiy tips borrow this book. If you want to live anywhere and still have a job then buy this book.