taking a bubble bath with bath bombs from Young Living and reading in the bubble bath
One, love doing this. A good book and some bath bombs and I always feel better. Plus young living has medical grade oils, so they provide an extra boost in making you feel better from whatever ails you.
experimenting with clothes and makeup
This I love to do. Its all of the stress from the past few weeks my face is a mess. I have been reading about natural makeup that doesn’t have harsh chemicals in them, and I want to give them a try. I know that Young Living now has Savy Makeup, and I know about Oui Fresh but what about others?
I also want to try Gyennieebee and Thredup this summer for clothes. I am on a quest tools 100 more pounds (I have lost 75 using BBG), but I got tools, and I still got to lose 100 more pounds to hit my goal weight. I don’t want to spend a lot because I will just shrink in size and the clothes won’t so I think Third love, and Gyennieebee sounds like a right decision at the moment.
getting my nails done (both fake nails and a pedicure)
OMG, I use to do this EVERY WEEK in college, but ever since I have started working from home, I have let myself go, unfortunately. I need to stop that as I like dressing up and all of that. Even if no one else sees me, it will still make me feel good, and that is what is essential.
having Skype dates with friends
Again many of my college friends who I am still close to living far away. I need to make more of an effort to have Skype or face time dates with them. Friends make the world go around.
looking for recipes that fit my new healthy lifestyle
I am following the vegan plan on BBG. I tend to just what is on the program, and the recipes are delicious. I want to branch out though and try other vegan recipes. I am finding there is a whole world of them out there!
I am sooo bad about ordering out, and that is what made me fat in the first place. I want to start cooking and preparing meals at home, so I can be as healthy as possible and at an ideal weight also.
practicing my photography
I love taking pics but have let that hobby slip. I feel it helps to express my creativity more thoroughly. I need to put it down on my calendar when to go and take pictures. Especially book photographs.
going to the gym
Ever since I started working out seriously, I have felt a million times better. It especially helps control my anxiety and depression.
Again something I use to enjoy but has yet fallen by the wayside. I was getting good with scrapbooking on photoshop before I let my writing business consume me.
putting stickers in my planner
Laugh if you want, but to me, there is nothing more soothing than going one sty ordering planner sticker then decorating my planner.
going to the library
This is my happy place. When it feels as if the world is going all to hell the library convinces me there is still hope left for humanity.
getting out to the library or coffee shop to work
I love going to a coffee shop and spending some time there to write. It is one of my most favorite things to do.
reading( I will read almost anything, I AM a book blogger after all!)
I love to lose myself in a book and to escape reality for a while.
getting my hair done
Like I said I love to look good and if I am going to go out there with telling all purple hair, then I feel that too helps express my creative side.