I have seen a LOT of bloggers posting what worked for them in 2018. To me, this means a life hack or some sort that made your life so much easier and better. The things that worked can range from the mundane to a total SERIOUSLY WHY DID I NOT DO THIS SOONER type of feeling. I have listened to all the things that in some way have enhanced my life.

Audiobooks and podcasts
Two thousand eighteen was the year that I was able to and did get sucked down the Audiobook rabbit hole. I read maybe 25 print books, and a listened to a zillion audiobooks. I have no idea why some people such as my mother hate audiobooks. I think they are the greatest invention ever. I mean you can read while shopping or driving or a multitude of things. I am now a huge fan of audiobooks.
Hiring a cleaning person
I honestly wonder why I did not do this a lot sooner. I HATE to clean it makes me angry. I finally bit the bullet and hired someone to clean once a weekend I couldn’t be happier. It feels like a million pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. Being from Appalachia where people take pride in being able to everything their damn self I get lots of weird looks and why pay someone when you can do it yourself? CAUSE I CAN SUCKAAAS!!! I can feel my grandmother rolling in her grave, but I will never go back to cleaning again if I can help.
This program is magic! Seriously. Even though I had to take a few months off due to my knees, I am back, and I can’t wait till two or three months go by and I can start seeing a real difference again. I have tried zillions of other workout programs, but BBG is the only one that has managed to be able to reshape my body instead of just being a smaller copy of my fat butt.
My Fitbit
I admit it; I am a data nerd. A few weeks ago I treated myself to a FitBit Alta HR. Now I can see how lazy I am. Seriously though it DID help me and my dr pinpoint why I was always so exhausted, and it wasn’t all cause of my thyroid, but instead I always was in the light sleep and not the deep REM sleep that allows a person to feel rested. The shrink took me off of ambient and put me on Seroquel and now I sleep 10 hours a night.
With my workouts, I can always make sure I am in my fat burning zone so that I will be an optimal fat burning machine.
All the young living stuff
I admit it I am obsessed with Young Living stuff. I have found that they do work for me. I know some people say oils are a waste of money, but I have found them hugely beneficial. Plus their shampoos not only make my hair look amazing but they smell amazing. No more chemical smells on ME now.
Using exist.io to get a baseline on all my stuff so I can set some S.M.A.R.T goals
I FINALLY figured out how to make goals that are doable! For example, Before I would say I want to gain more twitter followers but at what point do I declare the goal a success? When I gain ONE follower?? A million? With such goals, it is no wonder I never felt that I accomplished much. For 2019 and beyond I will put it into clear and measurable formats. I will say I want to be ay 1000 followers by x date. Even if I do not meet it, I can still have some hard data to help me pinpoint what is or is not working. Exist.io is a program that you can feed data from different sources such as apple health, Fitbit, etc. It then crunches all the day into action items you can act upon. If it says that you are tons more productive with music playing then you can but a Spotify subscription and be ultra-productive.
La Croix water
I have tried to break my diet coke habit for years. It wasn’t until I came across and tried LaCroix and Bubbly that I was able to truly give up my beloved diet coke. I also found out that when I do not drink diet pop and stick with water, I lose weight a LOT faster than I usually would.
Desire Mapping
I came across the book The Desire Map a few years ago and it forever changed the way that does stuff. Used to do the GTD method religiously then I did the Desire Map to figure out what would make me happy and starting doing activities that brought about the feelings that I wanted to feel.
Joined a mastermind/membership thingie
I joined PursuitHQ to teach me how to do the whole market thingie with my “work blog.” It helped soooo much that I started to apply everything I have learned to this blog (which started as a hobby blog) and I was shocked to see my subscribers in EVERYTHING go way up. Now I am trying to plan out some stuff with this blog to make me some serious cash. #kiddingnotkidding In all seriousness though I have come to realize it is worth the money to pay the course creator to tell you how to do something instead of you spending hours and hours googling stuff. It was worked so well for me I even started an “education fund” in my YNAB software, so I can always have some set aside when I come across a course that I feel will greatly benefit me.