You found your passion and created a business out of it. Before you were a bootstrapped solopreneur, so you had to do everything for yourself. Now though that you are making a consistent income you want to outsource all of that damn writing business requires. You would rather eat glass than to write one more blog post.
Does this sound like you? You are so not alone. I outsource the cleaning of my apartment. I hate messes, but I hate cleaning even more. I consider the money on a cleaning person well spent. You may feel the same way about writing blog posts than I do about cleaning. We are all different in what makes our skin crawl.
There is a person for everything I have come to learn in the last few years. Including writing your blog pots and anything else, you may need to be written.
If you are looking for someone to write under YOUR name then what you need is a ghostwriter.
Before you go and hire the first one you see online though there is something you need that will make the experience pleasant for both you and the ghostwriter
Have a solid idea of what you want to be written
There is nothing more frustrating than to get on a discovery call and realize that the person wants something about fitness written. Ummm ok if I gona come up with a blog title AND the content, then I may as well put my name on the thing. Explain WHAT you want to write and what outcome you want to happen. Is this to increase exposure for your blog or website? To get people to sign up for your newsletter? Or to educate people. All are written differently so it is essential to know what you want to write and the outcome you would like.
Make sure that you like the ghostwriters writing style
Everyone writes different and while in theory, a ghostwriter should be able to please all the people, in reality, this is not the case. Do your research first. Have a look at their portfolio, follow then on social media and see how they write there. There is nothing worse than you paying for work you hate.
Know your price range and what to expect for your price range
Writing is hard work yo! If it was easy, then everyone could write good..right..RIGHT ( See what I did there?)but it is now, and it is harder than the pros makes it look. Plus i have yet to come across anyone who writes well when they are hungry. So feel your ghostwriter so that they can churn out the brilliance for you.
Discuss what you want but be ready to hear that your idea may not sell
I know I know you want everyone to love how you overcame your white upper-class childhood and went to law school at Harvard and all the lessons you have learned now available in book form. Well, guess what diversity is in these days so unless you also suffered from horrific abuse an neglects or if you have Low Gerig disease then trust me when I SAY NONE ONE ELSE GIVES A SHIT. After all, would Stephen Hawkings and Ji=ohn Nash have become as famous as they did without their illnesses? Before that, they were white boys in the ivy tower then when they fell from grace BOOM everyone wanted to write about them.
Judge the skill level of the ghostwriter
I am guilty of thinking that I could write a traditionally published book for a client in 4 months. Yeah… Didn’t quite makes THAT deadline. A traditionally published book takes around a year to write well and is subject to the never-ending hell of editing and rewrites. That said a competent ghostwriter CAN produce a book that is ready to sell to an agency in a year. After all, we write all day it is not like we have a corporate grind to contend with in addition to the book. That being said our brains to guttered and sometimes all that comes out is shit, so there is usually a buffer the ghostwriter has implemented to be safe.