10 Ways to Beat Readers Slump

We have all been there. When we look at all the books on our shelves and we feel like we have nothing to read. Or we are dragging through a book and nothing is inspiring us. As voracious readers we feel we should be immune to the dreaded readers slump. But we are not. Below is ways that I have found to bust through them

1 Take a walk -I find that sometimes sitting for hours on end makes me feel sluggish. When this happens I take a walk around the block and come back feeling alert and refreshed and most times ready to read again

2- Read something outside your Genre– I have found that when I get enthralled with a series or a specific genre I tire of it quickly. This is when I would pick a book outside my comfort zone and give it a try. You never know you just might find a new favorite author or book!

3 Take a break from reading– I know I know we are supposed to LOVE to read but too much of a good thing can become well.. boring. That’s when I tend to go on a World of Warcraft bender.

4 Find a new favorite blog and gain ideas from them– I read a LOT of book blogs and their infectious love of books inspire me to keep on reading. Plus I find out about books I would have never heard of. This goes back to number two.

5 Go to a library and hang out– I find the Library to be a very relaxing place. When I am there I get an urge to sit in a big comfy chair and join all the other people in reading. Plus you can always browse and find book you did not even know existed!

6 Pick a new place to read– This could be a café, a restaurant or whatever. The same old routine can suck the joy out of anything so dream up a new place to read and do it!

7 Try a different format– As I am Deaf this don’t work for me but I have heard that other find when they cant stand the sight of a print book they switch to audio and it works!

8 Ask friends for recommendations– When ever I get stuck in  reading rut I ask lots of friends for recommendations. Then I try to read what they recommended and the new to me titles help me get out of the rut.

9 Start a new challenge– I did this one recently. It don’t have to be a formal challenge , it can be juts you and you can make it what ever you like. Often the idea of a challenge is enough to get the reading juices going again.

10 Enjoy what you read– This is self explanatory. Many people try and slog through a book because it is THE book of the season or because it is a book everyone should read. We are all different so if BSDM rocks your boat then by all means hunt out titles that feature it.


What do YOU do to break out of a reading slump? Answer in the comments!

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