It is the Holidays!!


My four-year-old laptop just gave me the screen of death. I hope that it can be fixed. I am still on the fence about Alienware or a Mac. I am a heavy game player so probably AlienWare. I am on my mom’s computer, and I kind of like the big ass screen. Maybe a tricked out Alienware PC? OMG, I am getting woozy just thinking about it. Anyway Today in the USA it is Thanksgiving. I am thankful for a lot of things. My copywriting business, the chance to write full time, my wonderful bloggy friends who have inspired me on a daily basis. I love to know there are other people who are as bookish and nerdy as me. In my real life, I don’t get that. Many people don’t understand my love for books. On the internets, I feel like I can be as geeky as I really am and I am accepted for that.

I love the Holiday season. It always feels like there is hope for everything. Granted my SAD tends to kick in in January but I have been taking steps to prevent it this year. That is another blog post.

I am reading all day tomorrow and eating good Paleo foods. I am thankful that my mom finally realized that wheat and sugar and dairy make me sick as a bitch. I went back on Paleo a couple weeks ago and I am FINALLY all better from my nasty sinus/sore throat spell. I have got my books lined up and my new Thanksgiving pajamas ready. my stepfather’s family is coming to my parents house, and me as usual will be hiding in my room with my books and my nice new pajamas.

I will be on Facebook and Twitter. Mostly Twitter since no one I know in real life follows me there. I can be as snarky as I want. And I am really thankful for that.

I want you, my readers to know just how thankful for all of you. I love having conversations with you on here and on social media. You have helped me through more dark times than you know. I honestly don’t know what I would do without the internet. It provides my livelihood, friends, and life. Let us all have a bookish holiday and enjoy the hell out of it! I love you all! Happy Holidays!

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