What I am reading

Off The Blog

The biggest thing that happened was I got my first migraine in a long time. At first, I thought it was a sinus infection, and the night before I could get in to see the dr it had become seriously….painful. Ever since I went back to Paleo after being diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, I have not had a problem with migraines. That meant I also did not have any migraine pills (Imitrex). That was a LONGGGG 72 hours…It stopped on its own, but you best believe I went to the doctor and got me some meds if there is a next time.




                My Week In Books

I finally got book mail! Which surprised me because I have not been the most active blogger this year.  I feel better, so you will see me more here on the blog.


What I Read



Guess what?? I read three whole books last week! My “detox from social media and do something with my time” program is working… I still have a long way to go, but it is making some progress.


What I plan to  read this week

I originally had different plans on what to read, but all my library holds came in at once, so I am going to switch to:

Deaths End

We have always lived in the Castle


If I get all through these two books, I will read more, but I am still trying to build my focus back up to read more than 140 letters at a time.



  1. I hope you’re feeling better! I have The Poet X on my TBR shelf. Now I need to work up the motivation to read it.

    1. I think I actually got worse from all the Gluentn at thanksgiving dinner but am all better now.

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