Armchair BEA Introduction Post

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?

I first got into blogging after I was diagnosed with bipolar and needed a way to interact with people. I was really confined to my apartment and plus I am profoundly Deaf so I wanted a barrier free way to interact. I found a community on LiveJournal based on that. Then I became interested in book blogging and did that for a long while. I even bought my own domain and switched to self hosted WordPress. Now I am starting my own copy writing business and the blog is now an extension of that.



Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. — so we can connect more on-line.

I am not sure you can describe it one sentence at the moment because it is undergoing major changes. It used to be a book blog but I am switching focus to the copy writing that I am starting to set up. My accounts at other social media is:




Blog Facebook Page: HillaryRoberts13



What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!)

I made a Pinterest board about this:



What is your favorite blogging resource?

I would have to say Feedly. This is because I get so many ideas while reading through feeds. Evernote is tied with Feedly though. I use this to keep track of ideas and to work on posts if I am out and not near a computer.


Spread the love by naming your favorite blogs/bloggers (doesn’t necessarily have to be book blogs/bloggers).

These are some of the blogs that is in my must read Feedly thingie. I noticed that while some have bookish stuff, most have other things also. I am so burned out on book review blogs.






  1. I’m a big fan of Girlxoxo too. Such great resources!

  2. Girlxoxo always has the best articles. She links to so many different posts. I love it! Glad you’ve been able to find your niche! Great post!

    Intro & Lit
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. Is this your first Armchair BEA? It’s so fun. I too love Feedly. It’s a great way to help streamline all the great things out there.

  4. I love how you took negative things in your life like being bipolar and deaf and turned them into such a positive experience! The blogging community is so fun and supportive, and I think it was a really great idea.

  5. Loved your pinterest board. They all look like great places to relax and read.

  6. Wow, what a way to start blogging, I love how honest you were about what lead you to this outlet. I’m thankful for this community every day as it lets me be more social.

    I love Feedly and use it daily to keep track of blogs. I did not know it was tied closely to Evernote, something my blog partner uses, but I do not (yet).

    Hope you have an awesome week with all the fun topics coming up!

  7. Welcome to Armchair BEA! You did a great job answering all the questions I avoided πŸ™‚ I couldn’t think of anyone, although I do have many favorites! I hope you have a great time this year and I look forward to seeing more of your posts during Armchair BEA 2014!

  8. Hoping you found lots of fun connections through #ArmchairBEA! Nice to tweet you.

  9. Indie authors need more editors. I review mostly indie books and the grammar mistakes just make me mad. It took about 3 solid months to edit my novel, 2 people and I’m sure I read it a million times. It was a royal pain, but necessary. Nice to meet you.

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