Sunday Salon May 18, 2014



I had a goal of reading and posting every day this month and I have not kept up with either ALTHOUGH my reading is way up then in previous months so I am gonna count it as a success. I think I have gotten bored with book reviews, and I LOVE blogs that talk about other things than books so I am going to start doing that. At first I was hesitant but then I was all like this is MY blog so I can post what I want. So hopefully that will revive this blog.

I went to the library On Friday, and since I had no books on hold I decided to go through all the Non-Fiction and see what grabs me. This is what I came away with:

This seems to be what interests me most these days. How to get over my laziness to keep a spotless apt and how to control my bipolar and anxiety.

I looked at my books read so far this year and I seem to be on a non fiction kick. I guess I should not judge myself.  too harshly. No need to be a book snob but I feel as if I should be reading more “bookish” stuff. I have no idea where this feeling comes in but oh well I will read what I love.

Today I am reading Well-Fed Writer. It has some awesome tips on how to market yourself as a copy writer. I can’t wait to try them out.

What Are You Reading Today?


  1. Love the self-acceptance in both claiming this as YOUR blog (write what you want) and choosing not to be a book snob, if that’s not the mood you’re in at the moment.

  2. I’m not much of a nonfiction reader myself, but I admire you for being able to do it….and you should read what you love. That’s always important.

  3. I personally am not a fan of thorough book reviews. I like book blogs that talk about other stuff plus something quick about a book.

    You should read and write what you want. It’s YOUR blog. 🙂

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