Sunday Salon Sept 20 2015

The Sunday Salon

Hi, Everyone! It is the middle of September! I blinked and the year has flown by! I am back from my visit with my parents in KY. I gained 14 pounds during my month in the south. Lord have mercy. Back to Weight Watchers I go. I really don’t like meat so Paleo wasn’t working out. I am hoping Weight Watchers will work well also. We shall see.

I have been reading the book SUPERBETTER. I had pre-ordered it but only got around to it last week. It has so much good advice that it is slow going cause I am always taking notes. I had played the game before, but this has spurred me to try it again as I feel I did not give it a fair chance before. I got some friends to be allies and I have been playing it a week and I have to admit that it has helped. With my bipolar I often feel like I have no need to get out of bed, but this game as I have quests to do encourages me to get out of bed on those days when I would rather just hide out.

My current obsession is the panda cam by the National Zoo. I could spend hours watching mommy panda take care of cute little cubbie. I even downloaded the app. heh. Gotta support the pandas.

I have also watched the complete season of Firefly this week. I LOVE that show so much. I broke down and got Amazon Prime and Netflix. I watch on my Roku on my tv. I found a lot of shows that I can’t wait to watch.

After reading Superbetter, I am thinking about returning to my gamer self. I used to play games A LOT. World of Warcraft mostly. I played so much that I once melted my hard drive in a laptop. Luckily Dell replaced it free of charge. haha, Then I people convinced me that I shouldn’t be so…nerdy and well.. I fell out of the habit. I am thinking that is the wrong thing to do. There are a lot of benefits to playing games. Plus I love them. I don’t drink. smoke or do any of that so I am entitled to SOMETHING right? RIGHT?

I downloaded WOW again and holy shit it took 14 hours for all the content to download. I suck at the moment, but I am hoping that I will get better. Next I will try Minecraft. I seem to love computer games more than console games. I am not sure why this is.

So this is me going back to my nerdy self. At this point in life, I really don’t care what people think. As long as I am happy that is all that matters.


  1. Don’t like meat!?! I’m soooo sorry. 🙁 and 😉 But you have to do what works for you. Whatever makes you not only happy, but healthy too. Good luck with going back to Weight Watchers.

    1. Hillary says:

      LOL! Many people say the same thing. I have tried to like it but ughh. It is a knee-jerk reaction of disgust when I try and force myself to eat it.

  2. I’m bipolar too and have had periods when I didn’t want to get out of bed. I’m too busy right now for depression, and am trying to fight it off.

    Good luck with your weight loss! I’m working on the same thing.

    1. Hillary says:

      I am so glad you stopped by! I love meeting other people with bipolar. I know what it feels like to try and fight off depression. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. I hope you are doing well with your weight loss.

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