by Hal Elrod
Format: ebook
on January 1st 1970
Pages: 172
Source: bought
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What if you could miraculously wake up tomorrow and any—or every area of your life was transformed? What would be different? Would you be happier? Healthier? More successful? In better shape? Would you have more energy? Less Stress? More Money? Better relationships? Which of your problems would be solved?
What if I told you that there is a "not-so-obvious" secret that is guaranteed to transform any—or literally every area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible? What if I told you it would only take 6 minutes a day?
Enter The Miracle Morning. What’s now being practiced by thousands of people around the world could perhaps be the simplest approach to creating the life you’ve always wanted. It’s been right there in front of us, but this book has finally brought it to life.
Are you ready? The next chapter of your life—the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined—is about to begin.
I am always on the lookout for ways to upgrade my life. I am a confessed self-help junkie. I had originally heard about this book from an online book club and went straight to my Kindle to download it. I read it in one sitting. Before I go on, let me say this Hal is not going to win any awards for his writing. That said the contents of the book is fascinating. You get up in the wee hours of the morning, and exercise meditates and journal, and it changes your life. I have been trying this myself, and that is a topic for another post.
He explains how he came up with this idea, and he goes in depth about his life. I liked reading about that part. He did not decide that he was going to be perfect then the next day he was raking in the millions. He explains how he used his Miracle Mornings to work for the success that he has. I really loved his down to earth approach. Some self-helps people are really…unattainable when they describe how they came about their success. Hal admits that it takes guts and work but with the right tools in your arsenal you too can be successful.