Sunday Post Feburary 25 2018


Can you believe that we are now at the end of February? It seemed that this year is flying by. Of course, during my bought with my insomniaΒ last week time seemed to have slowed to a crawl, but now it had picked itΒ up again. I have managed to sleep a LOT this week asΒ  I begged my DR for some ambienΒ and she gave me enough til I see her on Wednesday. So yay for that. That also means I did not get through 5 books last week since I slept.Β Haha oh well.

Did you guys hear that you can get Instagram to auto post for you? Well, you can get a service such as PlanolyΒ to do it for you. I tried it out, and it works like a charm so yay. Now I can just upload all my booksagram pics at one and haveΒ them auto postΒ for me. The catch is that they only worked for a businessΒ InstagramΒ profile, but it is straightforward to changeΒ from a personal one to a businessΒ one. I have meant to take some booksagramΒ pic, but it has been so dark and gloomy the past week, and you know you cant get good pictures without a light.Β  And no I do not have a light thingie. Plus whoever designed thisΒ apartment building was dumb.Β There are NO overhead lights. It is all floor lamps.Β Boo hoo, my life is soooo hard. #firstworldproblems I figure the sunΒ has to come out again this year sometime. I will just be patient.

I slacked off on the exerciseΒ front this last week. It seemed all I did was sleep then wake up for a couple of hours. I am gonna make myself start going again today and get back in the habit. I am still doing BBG, and it has yet to kill me so I will on keep doing that. I was feeling discouragedΒ last week when I found a pic of me at my heaviest to me now and holy shit! I was astounded. I had NO IDEA that I had lost that much weight in a year. Just goes to show how our minds can make us view warped versions of ourselves.



I have almost got my libraryΒ fine paid for then I can start using my library again! I am almost afraid to go, and they will be all like SHE LET HER CAT PISS ON A RARE BOOK! death stares well in Marble’s defense Spocks religious photographs fail to make muchΒ sense to me either but it WASΒ  rare collector’s item. The people who have copies of that book should thank me I just made them even richer but alas.Β I will go to the library and hopefully, I don’t know as the patron who destroyedΒ a book by Spock. I feel bad about it too. I mean I have never damaged a rare book before in my life, and here my kitten is tellingΒ EXACTLYΒ what he thought of it. I had a good long talk with him, and now I know not to leave the books in a stack on the floor. I live in a tiny assΒ apartment ok. Where am I supposedΒ to put them but after destroying a 500 book I went toΒ  Ieka and got me a libraryΒ book only bookshelf and had a friend put it up for me. It isΒ REALLYΒ crowdedΒ but at least the cat cant piss on then again!

I just got through one audiobook last week, so I will just tell it here instead of a separateΒ post on Monday. It was when Dimple met Rishi. I listen to it through the audible romance package and omg it is sooo good. Definitely a book that lives up to the hype.



  1. StackingMy BookShelves says:

    I have a love/hate relationship with the gym. Glad you’re almost back to the library. My cat peed in my mother’s clean clothes, I think I would have rather had it happen to a library book. OMG, I never lived that down. Have a great week!

    Mary #SundayRoundup #7

  2. I slacked on running last week, too. The snow was too deep, and it was really cold. I feel bad for laughing at your cat pee/rare book story. When I was a kid, my dog threw up on my copy of The Golden Compass. The book soaked up the puke and became a soggy barf brick. It was gross. Have a great week!

  3. I’m still laughing over the ‘let her cat piss in a rare book’… Like we ‘let’ our cats do anything! πŸ™‚

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