What I am Reading 2/1/21

It has been a while since I posted. The short story is that all three of my auto-immune disorder all flared up badly in the first week of January. And yes, it wasn’t very pleasant. I am managed to get two under control, and now those[ two are no longer “active” The third one is NOT under control, and that is my Psoriatic Arthritis. OMG, I had no idea that a person could be in this much pain.  Last week I had to admit to myself that for right now, it is best to use a cane when I go to my one zillion Dr appt. I have a referral to a Rheumatologist, and I am just waiting to hear back from my regular when I see the Rheumatologist.

I could not focus on anything when my foot was throbbing. I would give anything to know how some people can really read and being in pain cause I sure couldn’t do it.  I am showing ALL the books I read in January… I actually ready Ready Player Two in around 3 hours, so my focus is improving, so yay!


These are the 4 books that I have read in January. I have a review up for Think Like a Monk, but the others will be up soon.

For next week this is what I am planning on reading. Yes, I actually am reading a Comic on my Kindle. I got the new one for Christmas, and it was a million times nicer than the one I had for 5 years. I will write up a review for the Kindle this month.




I FINALLY got around to checking out the story graph. And so far, it has given me what I feel are good recognitions… Storygrah even gave me the names of the kind of obscure books that I like. I will continue playing around with it. If you want to add me here, I am!   Click for Hillary StoryGraph page.


All the libraries are still on curbside service. This makes me very sad as the Library is where my happy place is. And we are supposed to get our THIRD snowstorm of the year. Oh well, I will just read by the fireplace and read.  I can’t really complain.



I have been looking to put all my review copies into a database or SOMETHING to keep track of them all. I may or may not have gone overboard with all of them. lol I currently use a Trello Board, and it is ok, but I was wondering if someone had the skills that they could make an  Airtable or something.


I saw this post on EveryDay Reading and had to have one for myself. My other library bag went up to the great Bag, and I thought these were cute, and when I got my bag, I put in all my 15 books from the library and it FIT!! AND the bag did not rip. Then the county I live in shut back down, so all I can do now is admire my bags all by myself.









  1. I’m sorry so many health issues cropped up for you. I hope you get a handle on them soon. Nice looking books though! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. hillary roberts says:

      Thank you!! I get so see anew dr soon so i will hopefully be better.

  2. I hope the arthritis settles soon.
    It’s a shame about curb side access but at least you still have access

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. hillary roberts says:

      I hope so too!! About the Library i really should be more grateful but i wanna jo go and look around like before.

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