Sunday Salon: When Things Go Wrong

The Sunday Salon

It is almost the end of February and I have read a total of 5 books. My goal was to read 200 so I got some serious catching up to do. I like to blame it on Karma. It seems I have run into bad health Karma this year.

First I (and my dr) had this big bright idea to switch from Effexor to Wellbutrian. I had visions in my head of being able to focus for hour after hour, finally losing weight and to quit smoking. And while all three came to pass the switching was a complete and utter nightmare. First I had to go off of the Effexor. I became so sick all I could do was lay in bed praying that either I died or go to sleep and wake up when this was over or worshipping the toilet. I could not keep any food down whatsoever. And forget reading and blogging as I could barely sit up. The day came when finally it seemed it would all be worth it and I got my Wellbutrian. I also go 90 percent of the side effects the first two weeks. I was NOTΒ  a happy camper. My DR who was as healthy as a horse kept telling me it was normal and to stick it out. So I did. She was right, most side effects went away. All of that took about a month and I got very little reading or blogging done. Hey, that’s life right?

Then came the next health thing. I had been noticing my back lower molar kind of aches when I eat but I thought well, good. I am too fat to be eating anyways so I ignored it. Until one day it turned into the whole left side of my face throbbing and took I am not sureΒ  how many advils to get the main to a manageable level that I went to the dentist. I should have known that it would not be good news. Up until this point I had thought it was just a simple cavity that they could fill and I would be on my way. After poking and prodding and me biting the poor woman and many x-rays later the dentist came in and told me not only did I need TWO root canals but I also had a serious infection that had spread to my gums. So I came thisclose to being toothless at the ripe old age of 32.

Now I don’t know about you but when I am sick or in pain I can’t concentrate on reading. Not for lack of trying. I would open a book and either throw up or my teeth would hurt or something else and the words on the page became a blur of meaningless drivel that I could not dissect through my pain.

However I did make good use of the Roku I received for Christmas. Maybe I will write a review on that. Seriously it is so good I forgot all about cable and just watched movies and tv shows on the Roku. I needed a good laugh to cheer me up so I watched a lot of stand up comedy.

So now except for the root canals I am hoping my health woes are behind me and my reading catches up. After all it IS still February.


  1. I hope you have a much better March!

    1. admin says:

      THANK You!! I hope I do too!

  2. Wow, you’ve really been through the wringer! I hope you feel better soon.

    1. admin says:

      Thank You. I am feeling better as long as I remember to take my painkillers every 6 hours.

  3. We love our Roku and is one of the reasons I don’t read as much as I used to either. Also I wouldn’t beat yourself up about not reading as much when you’re sick or even if you don’t get to 200. Whatever you read, you’ll still be reading more than the average American, I’m sure.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for the reminder that numbers are not everything πŸ™‚ You are right All of us book bloggers read more than the average American.

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