I meant to get this up last week, but then real-life took over, and I am going through the biggest creative slump in recent memory. I want to do a massive change and rebrand but to WHAT?! I honestly have no idea. But GUESS WHAT??? YOU can help me!! Just take this survey, and I will consider everything!
Take Me to the Survey!!
Sooooo Hillary WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO IN AUGUST?! I have a few things I want to work on while I figure out where I want to go in 2020 and they are:
Learn and practice my photography
GUESS WHAT?? My library got the library edition of the Great Courses, and I am doing the Yoga and Photography one! That is two separate courses that fit my budget lol. I have been begging for some programs, and after I assured the library people that I was back for a long time, they started to subscribe to stuff. I AM POWERFUL! In all seriousness, though I have been using this library since I was a baby and I have ALWAYS been a heavy library user so 99 percent what I request they try to get.
Start studying all the courses I have
Y’all don’t eve want to know how many courses I have bought then not looked at. If you think I blame getting sick for that, you would be right. I am 99 percent better now ( just got to do a sleep study to see if I need one of those machines at night) and I am itching to go… problem is I don’t know what or where I am going)
Shameless newsletter plug: I go more in-depth on stuff like this in the Newsletter if you want to know you can sign up here!) So yeah…It is deep reflection time. I figure if I do some course work, it may guide me into a direction that I want to go.
Keep an energy tracker (made by Workbrighter) to determine when MY body is most productive.
Brittney Burger said it best in a video in her Work Brighter Community, how can a framework written by older men 20 years ago help people who are so far from the person that would use the structure? It also pinpointed why I did not like “Advice and How-To” Books such as Anne Bogel’s Reading People. I mean I am me HILLARY NICOLE ROBERTS a new-age self-help junkie who adores people Like Danielle Laporte and who is batshit insane. I exist and move on the fringes of society so a person that is a Traditional Christian their advice is NOT going to work for me and I am getting to be ok with that also if a person of a strict Christian Faith who probably DOES fit nicely into a framework can glean so much useful shit out of that book but not me with my new agey AND Schizoaffective disorder. ( I will make a whole post on that) It FINALLY got into my thick skull after binge-watching Brittney Burger’s YouTube Channel.
This not to say that all traditional advice is bad I mean I still take HUGE portions of the GTD method that a college adviser gave me but do I follow it to a T? NOPE!! I make it fit MY personality!!! I think I had wandered off of my true path and lost ME and now I have to figure out how to make all this work so that I can live every day as a celebration instead of just wanted to sleep to my death.
I also signed up for Rachel Moffet’s journaling challenge, which started yesterday. I am LOVING the content that she is putting out. I remember n college when I discovered tarot cards and chrystals, and all of that I felt like I had finally come home. I TRIED to fit into the traditional Christian Faith,( I AM from Central Appalachia and was raised by very traditional Christian people but even as a child 95 percent of that stuff never “felt right” in my Soul) In short I felt as if God has stolen MY soul and tried to replace it with a “good” one, and I finally got the guts to tell everyone where they could go and went back to what felt right. If you want to read a whole book on this, a fabulous book is I Fired God: My Life Inside—and Escape from—the Secret World of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Cult
by Jocelyn R. Zichterman
by Jocelyn R. Zichterman
So Anyway I am going to be deeeeep soul searching, and I honestly have no idea what is on the other side. So if you want to come and join me and maybe we can all find our true self and build a life that is OUR dream!