It is February!!! I have a feeling like life is passing me by while I sit in various Dr’s offices and have a million blood tests done. The good news is I finally have a diagnosis. Yeah, I have TWO of them. I lack to, ability to do anything halfway so instead of getting sick with one autoimmune thingie I have TWO!! I have Hashimentos ( which explains the massive weight gain throughout a year) and psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis. That is all the rashes and my knee pain. I finally admitted that one painkiller was not working so the Dr gave e another subscription and it is working. I was even finally able to go back to my BBG works outs! With this new information, I came up with some goals for February that will fit in with my overall goals so I won’t feel like I am at a stand but also doable goals. Want to know what I mean by that? Read on!
Do the #whole30
Yes I have been doing Weight Watchers, and I have lost some pounds with it but after researching autoimmune treatments a lot of info points to Paleo as a way to control symptoms. I did paleo a couple of years back and had Massive success with it, but this time I will probably stay on it for life if it means I will have clear non-itchy skin and no joint pain. The #whole30 is not intended to be on for a super long time though but rather as a reset button where your body can heal then you can add back some foods once you are better. That is the plan anyway
Focus on growing my Instagram
If the last time that I went hardcore Paleo is any indication, I am going to feel like complete and utter crap for a month before I start feeling better. The #whole30 is all about detoxing from sugar and the like. The last time I went low carb paleo I felt like shit for around SIX WEEKS! I am not gonna put too much pressure on myself with writing and all of that. I have full confidence that I CAN work on my Instagram game, so that is what I am going to do! ( shameless self-promotion; click here to see my profile) I also know that once the shitty phase has passed and it WILL pass I will be a whole lot better off. The brain fog and no energy and all that was resolved in about three months, and I have never felt so ALIVE as I did then, and you know what I want that for myself again.
Yep for February, I have only two goals make it through the #Whole30 and post a shit ton of pictures on Instagram. Oh, and to read of course! My February TBR post is coming up soon!!!