I have finally wrapped up a client project that took me eight months to do. I feel like I have earned a vacation. Heh, I am hoping that I can get a shitton of reading done between now and the end of the year. Speaking end of the year how the hell is it AUGUST already. *mind blown*
I have spent all of July getting to the bottom of my knee pain. I agreed to physical therapy and some super duper strong aleeve and nada. I am still in pain. I am entering my 4th month without a good work out, and my moods are suffering. After a shit ton of x-rays it was determined my arthritis is all inflammation and no bone on bone soooooooo for August I am going to start:

Clean up my eating habits
If you have been reading this blog at all in the past couple of months, you will know all about my knee saga. Before that, I had been doing the whole Bikini Body Guide, and that program is fucking magical. The weight was melting off of me. Then I fell into the poor ole my trap, and my eating has been on the shitty side for July, and I am starting to feel shitty also so I am just gonna do my eating plan on BBG and try to be as active as I can and hope my knees decided to get better.
Read all the books
I haven’t read much at all this past year. This has been a good year work-wise, so I am not complying. I have some time off before my next big project, and I plan to read all the books.
Work on my resource library for this blog.
This project has been put on the backburner all year. I finally have some downtime so I can make stuff to put in here. I get all sorts of emails on how to do this and that for a book blog, so I am hoping to make this a valuable resource on book blogging.
Be active on Instagram
I know I say this every month, but i am getting the hang of shooting decent pics the editing them in photoshop. Before I hated my pics because they were so horrible. I am starting to feel more confident in my picture making abilities, so I don’t feel as dumb posting ugly ass pics.
Do a modified morning routine
The only, thing I am doing differently is that instead of BBG and running I will do Yoga By Adrienne. The physical therapist did remark more than once how tight my muscles are so I am hoping for some flexibility soon.
I know I did not put exercise every day and stuff like that. My knees still hurt..a lot. I am hoping like hell that a paleo diet will remedy that problem and in Sept I can start with my BBG workouts again. My moods have been going downhill since I not been able to do a good workout in three months. I am gonna start doing yoga though so maybe that will help with my anxiety and depression.
Good luck with your goals! I’m also going to try eating healthier and being more active on Instagram. I hope you have a good August!