Oct 2021 goals
Well, here we are in October. The best thing that has happened to me is that the dr after three years, figured out that I had Psoriatic Arthritis. I had always thought that arthritis meant that your joints hurt, but I had it hard on several things. For example, when I went for my second appt with the rheumatologist at the end of July, I could focus alone enough to do anything. And that included blogging. But I have been working super hard on my diet and exercise, And it worked… Well, it is starting to work anyway. I had pretty lousy inflammation levels, but any improvement is good!
Tone it up Fall challenge
I am going, being honest.. for the last two years, I have been sporadic in my workout efforts. What with the at that time worsening pain, it was hard to do anything. After the Dr hit on a painkiller that worked, I went full out on my workouts. I use the Tone it Up workout program, and it is like magic! Now not only am I losing weight, but I am getting stronger also. I started with three pins dumbbells in January of 2021, and now in September, I am on 10 pounds dumbbells. All it takes is consistency and hard work.
What is the TIU Fall Challenge?
I think it is three times a year the Tone it Up program has a challenge. And the Fall Change is one of them. There are Prizes, but for me, it is all about accountability. Lord knows, if left to my own devices, I would not do anything.
Drink 120 oz of water
I struggle so hard with this. I had had Drs tell me that I am dehydrated, and if I lay off the Diet Coke and drank water, I would feel 100xbetter. The Dr is correct because when I was on Paleo way back, I managed to drink that amount, and I felt sooo much better, but then I fell off the Paleo Bandwagon and never got back on. Being the nerd I am, I even download an app that gamifies the whole water drinking thing. I am better than I was, but I still have a way to go before I meet my goal.
Make a meal plan and stick with it
I have a confession to make. I always wait until I get hangry, then grab whatever is nearest me and gobble it down. That habit got completely out of control this last year, and well…my weight shot up. I somehow regained the necessary willpower to stop stuffing my face, and my weight is now going in the right direction, which is down.
I knew I had to start planning if I was to make my health a long-term thing. So I started looking at reCipies on Pinterest, and OMG, that site is like one big recipe book. I got a sub to Plan to eat, and all I have to do is copy the recipe into Plam to eat, and it even makes a very nice shopping list, so that is a win all around!
Start meal tracking with Noom again
I was doing well with tracking what I ate…then I fell off the bandwagon. No, there was no particular reason. I thought a DQ blizzard would not hurt me, but it triggered a binge that was VERY hardtop to stop. Then I had my Rhuemtolist tell me that if I did not get my weight under control, I would lose my ability to walk. ( I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis). That lit a fire under my ass, and after two months of struggling, I finally can pretty much tell if it is a green food on Noom and not mess up my nutrients. And t have learned that I get weak when I am around food such as the Dairy Queen blizzard, BUT I love my Halo Top, so I eat that 99 percent of the time.
Read allll the spooky books
What better way to celebrate the coming cold and dream winter days than to read a spooky book? What with COVID still making the rounds around these parts, and since I am on immunosuppressant medication, I am too chicken to risk getting sick, so my ass will just stay home and read my books.
Learn all I can tell about inflammation and Psoriatic Arthritis
When the rheumatologist told me that the source of what I was starting to think of as a broken body said that inflammation was what was cause me to be sick, I was formally diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. I now feel better somewhat. Well, I think better to where I want to know what the hell IS inflammation. I will do what I always do in this sort of situation… I read everything I can find on Psoriatic Arthritis and inflammation and, most notably, how to never get in this much sickness and pain for the rest of my days on this Earth.
Finish the Pinterest course
To be honest, I have always liked learning. And what better way to do that while become the best blogger possible. I wanted to start with learning Pinterest because that is where most of the stylish bloggers hang out and I love being part of a crowd. I was talking to a friend and more than one person told me this course is worth it and it is!!! I purchased it then had some health problems that made me just want to lay down and not move. Then when I was feeling better, I thought, why the hell not? I am only 25 percent in, but the changes I have already made are working. So I am excited to see how it does when I am 100 percent done with implementing everything.
Glad the diet and exercise seems to be starting to help! Hopefully you’ll stay on track with all your goals
Spooky books during spooky season is fun!