July 2019 Goals

I meant to get this up LAST week Monday, but I blinked, and it was Friday. #kiddingnotkidding I spent all my time waiting in Dr’s office for them to tell me that all the stuff that was wrong with me is now corrected and controlled. So Yay! I am working on getting as healthy as possible. The last two years have taught me that eating crap and sitting on your butt will cause your body to go downhill, and it is HARD to get it back to the “status quo.” So with that in mind, I have selected the below to focus on in July!

Drink at least 60 oz of water a day

Fitbit says I should drink 127 OZ a day, but I have to be honest that is not happening right off the bat. I am just going to focus on getting a gallon in a day, and when that becomes a habit, I will increase it. I know I will feel tons better and all of that as I USED to drink a ton of water a day, but it did not happen overnight.


Work on My Money Blocks

I have some dangerous money blocks. I want to take the easy way out and blame my Appalachian childhood, but in all honesty, even if it WAS the whole truth, it is still my responsibility as an adult to put on my big girl clothes and blast through AAAAAALLLLL the money blocks. I can manifest anything except money, and then I feel all the feels such as guilty, I don’t have enough, sad, frustrated, etc. And like attracts like so maybe I am manifesting poverty. I KNOW I NEED to get out of this mindset and into a better place, so that is what I am going to work on.


Do ALL the Things on my Aloe Bud App


This is the year that I finally became serious with my self-care. I have a half-assed my self-care for a few years, but I knew if I wanted to “recover” with my mental and physical health I  had to put in some serious self-care time. I found another blogger that I admire talk about this app, so I downloaded and set it up to meet my needs. This app has been a game-changer.





Learn to Cook Better


I have concluded that f I want to be truly healthy, I would do well to learn how to cook well and to limit my fast food intake. No matter how much you may try and to make something lo calorie anything you get is most likely a calorie bomb.


Use Plan2eat to have healthy eating options.


I bought a plan to the Plan to Eat app. I go to Pinterest and look up recipes and import everything in a few clicks into Plan to Eat. After you get the hang of it, it is super easy to use. It will also make you a food list of everything your recipes needs.


Work on Projects that I have in Mind and to not let Fear hold me back.


I will be honest I have a big pile of ideas for this blog, but I am afraid of looking stupid, so I just put it all down in Notion for a day when my self-confidence is at a reasonable level. I have finally realized that by waiting until a time when I feel I can do it, I will never get around to it. As Ruth Soukup says on her podcast of the same name, you have to do it scared!  I am tired of playing small. No one was ever successful when they play short, so I have to step my game up.


Continue doing my workouts

I think I have been doing Tone it Up workouts for four months now. I can see a significant improvement, and I have lost 20 pounds! I know, or at least to ME 20 pounds in four months is sloooow, but I know that at least this time I am building sustainable habits that will last me the rest of my life. I have lost weight and a lot of it in a short amount of time before. I used to be the queen of yo-yo dieting. I finally stepped off of that rollercoaster and know focusing on having good habits. Tone it up offers everything I want in a workout app. It is worth every cent of that yearly cost of 86 dollars.


  1. Good luck with your goals, especially the self-care. I need to get better at that so I stop feeling exhausted all the time.

  2. Greg Hill says:

    I’ve been trying to live healthier too so I can totally relate! Good luck with your goals! I’ve been trying to cook healthier stuff, and yes- drink more water- it sounds so simple lol. Not sure why I’m struggling with it!

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