Life Updates May 2023


Death In the Family

A close family member became sick, and when it was clear this person only had a limited time left that family here on earth, I planned on reducing the blogging for a while, and when that family member passed away, it seemed that I forgot how to blog. I am serious, I would stare at the blinking cursor on my computer, and my mind would dram a complete and utter blank. That was a first for me as usual; even in times of sighted stress, I still knew all my words, but it was like my brain checked out and ran off to Mexico with the pool boy. It was, shall I say, a rather humbling experience.

Fell Off the WW bandwagon

I feel HARD, also. I was doing so well when my uncle was put in Hospice. I discovered the most glorious snack bar/Kiticjen at the Hospice place, and it was all free, so I must have chowed down at LEAST 70 points a day for the three days here was there. ( for four days). I found my favorite sucker, and my glutton’s ass could not stop eating then. It was one of these suckers with caramel,l then apple-flavored thing. I even cracked a tooth. The dentist was very impressed and wanted to know how I broke my tooth to get the nerve exposed. I have no idea. I felt when I thought it was a crack but no pain, so I thought it did not crack because if it did, I would be in agony, correct? Not. It is possible to break a tooth without hurting the nerve, and as long as the nerve is not exposed, you will feel no pain.

I thought long and hard on this, but ultimately, I decided to go with MyfittnessPal because that was what I was using when I lost 75 pounds before my knees started acting up.

After thinking it over for a few days, I concluded that every time I had lost weight was with my fitness pal, so I quit WW and switched back to what works.

Fell off the writing or/and blogging bandwagon

As you can probably see, I haven’t posted much over the last year. I am one of the kinds I can create when a close friend or family dies. While I was binging on junk food, I was watching Adam 12 over and over. No, I have no idea why my brain grabbed onto that show instead of other shows up my alley, such as FireFly.

I got my Psoriatic Arthritis under control pain-wise

I got a LOT of weight to lose to be reasonably sure that I won’t be in as much pain as I was even during a flare-up. I am working on getting healthy but still glad that I have been pain-free for a few months.

As o look back over what I wrote, I realize that it sounded like I am having a horrible year. That is not 100 percent correct. At this season of my life, I feel I have to dig deep to find the good stuff, but once I restarted my Gratitude practice, I am getting better.

The scale is finally going down.

The scale is now moving…finally, after a year of bringing, or if I per 10000 percent honest, eating my feelings.

Found a new workout program

About two months ago, I joined FitOn, and I had muscles hurt in places I had no idea they could break. I am already way stronger than before. I did a forearm plank!

I am not in any pain.

This one is huge. I could do anything for a long while. I even had to use a came, and I was like, I am not that old.

But there I was. Let me say this…for the people facing mobility challenges, this country is HORRIBLE. Almost no accessibility at all. I used to be one of those who wondered why people became stuck with a mere 2-inch curb, bow I know that 2 inches feel like 20 feet.

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