November 2017 Wrap-up

Life off the blog

This was the month that I became serious about my health and started doing a LOT of things differently. I went paleo, and after only 30 something day I can tell a big difference! My ADHD is almost gone. I can focus now on virtually no problem. My depression is GONE! Thank you, Jesus. I am not sarcastic either. I am not the type to be publicly religious so when I openly proclaim I am grateful for Jesus for something you better believe that I am. Depression is a horrible thing to have to go through, and I would not wish it on any of my friends or even enemies.

I have also found that I write a whole hell of a lot better after I exercise for the day.  Before I would be all worn out after a hard workout but now I am at the point where I feel energized instead. The past few days I have felt amazing after exceeding and I am confident that this is now a lifelong habit

I  finally developed the ability to understand podcasts and audiobooks!


my favorite Instagram that I posted


Song on Repeat


I am not sure what it is about this song that gets me pumped up every time I listen to it.  Like Demi, I picture all the people that mocked me when I got sick, and I am in the midst of a comeback of my own, and I love to picture the people who mocked me faces after I get back to the top.

Blog posts that I posted last month


Books that I read

Hi Anxiety (Review)

Reading People ( Review)

Keto Reset Diet (Review)

Favorite book That I read last month


This is a hard one, but I am going to have to go with Reading People by Anne Bogel. I loved reading how she approached each framework and made it all easy to understand. I felt like I had a better grasp on them after reading her book. And I am obsessed with personality tests, so this book was a perfect fit for me.






1 Comment

  1. I’m glad that things are going well for you with the diet. I jog 3 times a week, but I always feel exhausted after, not energized. Hopefully I’ll get to the “energized” phase someday. Have a great December!

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