I was going to wait until I got back to my apartment to resume my Paleo eating, but I can’t wait. I have work to do and between the brain fog and the exhaustion I am running on pure willpower. I can remember last year when I was on paleo I felt amazing and my creativity was through the roof. So tomorrow I will begin the paleo lifestyle once again.
Last year I followed paleo for 8 months and I have never felt so good in my whole entire life. I used to think that the exhaustion and depression and anxiety that I felt was just a normal part of life. I thought wrong. I followed a strict version, otherwise know as whole30 and I lost 60 pounds, I had abundant energy and the brain fog faded away. I had so many ideas for my freelance writing business I could barely keep up. I slept like a baby verses now when I wake up a million times a night. I feel that my waking up so often is contributing to the feeling of exhaustion so deep that even my Death Wish Coffee cant help me. All my life I have been struggling with anxiety and depression but on paleo they both just dissipated. It was a huge blessing. The holidays last year threw me for a loop and I fell hard in a big way. I also felt like I did not have the support that I needed to stay the course. Willpower will only get u so far when you are surrounded by junk food and family members pushing said junk foods on you. Now that many of my in real life friends are on Paleo I feel that I have the support that I need to carry through. While I know I will lose weight, it is not even about that anymore. I just want to have abundant energy, a clear head and no more depression and anxiety.
I have already made a meal plan on My Fitness Pal. I find that if I plan my meals in advance then I am more likely to follow through and not eat crap at the last minute.
I would be happy but as I said I am so exhausted that I just want to crawl in the bed and wait until my body detoxifies and the resume living. I can’t afford to do that so instead I will draw up on my willpower to get me through the next 10 days then I will feel AMAZING! I cant hardly wait!