ISBN: 9781401974343
by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
Format: e-ARC
on June 13, 2023
Genres: Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational, Self-Help / Personal Growth / Happiness, Self-Help / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem
Pages: 304
Source: publisher
Overcome perfectionism and self-doubt by unapologetically embracing your fully awesome self—flaws and all—with the co-founder of Mindvalley, a global school that delivers transformational education for all ages.
It’s odd to think that we can simultaneously be living as ourselves without ourselves. As life happens, we fall in love with the idea of who we could be instead of with who we actually are—leaving parts of ourselves behind and losing sight of what and who is truly important within ourselves.
By sharing revelatory personal anecdotes and reflection prompts, Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, co-founder of Mind Valley, helps to guide you toward:
- Finding your own truth despite the external and internal critics
- Transforming from the Perfect You into the Real You
- Embodying a life where no one needs fixing
Reclaim your happiness as your gift to the world and take the first steps to living truthfully within your flawesomely beautiful reflection.
I have read my share of Personal development books. I used to hold up to be as perfect as possible. That did NOT end well. In the next few years, I searched for a roadmap that would lead me back to where I was before my health took a sharp dive downward (I am healthy now). I used to think all better would be me with my perfectionism tendencies back so I could continue to go full blast down a road that is/was not sustainable. I could relate t what the author Kristina Mand-Lakhiani called the “Hermonie Syndrom. That was me, always trying to be perfect in everything I do. Then I got tired of it all and acted like I did not give a damn.
The problem with not caring what you do is that everyone passes you in this game of life, and you lose anyway when left in the dust.
Despite my perfectionism, I have always valued authenticity. The problem arose when I realized that the “old” Hillary was gone, and I had no idea who the new Hillary was.
That was the frame of mind when I was contacted to read and review Becoming Flawsome. I am happy that I received the book far enough in advance to test out the journal entries. Journal entries are my favorite. During this, I realized that my values and actual behavior did not match up. I hate Walmart with the fury of a thousand suns, yet I still shop in that store. I realized that I also value supporting local businesses where ever possible. Such as using Libro.FM and Bookshop so that my local bookstores could earn money instead of all my dollars going to Amazon.
I love the journal prompts. The prompts help you dig deeper and consider what YOU identify as authentic. So many people follow what they think they SHOULD be (including myself) that they lose sight of you; they are deep down into the core of their being. The prompts are like a light to show you what you are and value.
As I have said above, I am a productivity and self-development enthusiast. I have read a zillion books, such as The Miracle Morning and others, and I quickly realized that I had to find alternate ways to “get stuff done” with all my illnesses. I feel that 98 percent of the time, other authors lean toward the “ I have to uplevel and be as close to perfect as possible and believe me when I say that method is not sustainable… At all… That is why I love the alternate view that Becoming Flawsome takes. No perfection here, just a way of becoming the best YOU possible, and that is why you should read Becoming Flawsome.
real becoming flawsome by Hillary Roberts